LOD Data Extracted - KarinBecker/LODCubeSurvey GitHub Wiki

These are the data dumps that resulted from our [LOD Extraction Procedure] (Extracing-Data-from-the-LOD) as of April 28th 2015.

[Data related to Eurostat] (https://github.com/KarinBecker/LODCubeSurvey/tree/master/Data/neweurostat.ttl.zip)

[Data related to Other Publishers] (https://github.com/KarinBecker/LODCubeSurvey/tree/master/Data/nonEurostat.ttl.zip)

We uploaded these data dumps in a local repository (RDF Workbench - Virtuoso). The analysis involved both datasets in separate, and then together, so we uploaded files accordingly, and then run the queries for measuring data..