Kano Profile API documentation - KanoComputing/kano-profile GitHub Wiki

Kano-Profile API documentation


To communicate with kano-profile you can use a command line tool: kano-profile-cli or direct Python import if you are in Python. The Python import is recommended as it's faster.


python: kano.profile.profile load_profile()

Returns the main profile dict. Data in this dict include:

  • email
  • kanoworld_id
  • kanoworld_username
  • save_date
  • token
  • username_linux


cli: load_app_state_variable app_name variable value

python: kano.profile.apps load_app_state_variable(app_name, variable)

returns a variable of app

if variable not found:

  • cli returns VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND
  • Python returns none


cli with dialog: save_app_state_variable app_name variable value

python with dialog: kano.profile.badges save_app_state_variable_with_dialog(app_name, variable, value)

python without dialog: kano.profile.apps save_app_state_variable(app_name, variable, value)

saves value to app's variable


cli with dialog: increment_app_state_variable app_name variable value

python with dialog: kano.profile.badges increment_app_state_variable_with_dialog(app_name, variable, value)

python without dialog: kano.profile.apps increment_app_state_variable(app_name, variable, value)

Increments an apps variable with the given value. If the variable has not been initialised it starts from 0.


cli: unlock, lock

python: kano.profile.profile set_unlocked(True/False)

Unlocks/locks the profile.


cli: is_registered

python: kano.world.functions is_registered()

Returns whether the user has registered on kano-world.


cli: has_token

python: kano.world.functions has_token()

Returns whether the user is logged in to kano-world.


cli: get_username

python: kano.world.functions get_mixed_username()

Returns the kano-world username if the user is registered, linux username otherwise.


cli: get_level

python: kano.profile.badges calculate_kano_level()

Returns the user's kano-level (cli), or (kano-level, progress) tuple (Python).


cli: get_xp

python: kano.profile.badges calculate_xp()

Returns the user's xp.


cli: get_avatar

// to be implemented

Returns the user's avatar in 'avatar_category avatar' format (cli)


cli: get_stats

Prints is_registered, get_avatar, get_xp, get_level, get_username, has_token in one function.


cli: get_app_data_dir app_name

python: kano.profile.apps get_app_data_dir(app_name)

get the full-path of data folder of app. Not used at the moment, data is stored in ...-content folders


cli: get_email

python: kano.profile.profile load_profile()['email']

Returns the user's kano-world registered email address.


  • if email found: prints it and exits 0
  • if email not found: prints error message and exits 1


You should check if 'email' in profile or put it in a try-except block.


kano-sync is a command line tool for syncing the kano-profile.

-s --silent

kano-sync always logs in and if it cannot it launches the login-dialog. By adding -s you make it silently fail.


--sync does the profile data sync. This is small amount of data stored in JSON files and can be synced frequently.


--backup backs up the users content folders. The folders folders are specified in the rules/app_profiles.json file


--restore restores the users content folders. The folders folders are specified in the rules/app_profiles.json file.

Note: restore does not overwrite existing files.


// will be merged with kano-profile-cli in the future


Removes all profile information.

Login or Register (no argument)

Login or register


Deletes all shares of the user.


Deletes all shares of the user.