Kano Avatar details - KanoComputing/kano-profile GitHub Wiki

Avatar Logic

In its current form the logic to handle the creation of avatars for a kano world profile is located in https://github.com/KanoComputing/kano-profile/blob/create_avatar/kano_avatar/logic.py.

This file contains 4 main classes, namely:

  • AvatarAccessory
  • AvatarCharacter
  • AvatarConfParser
  • AvatarCreator

Of these, the first two are used internally by the logic and only their public methods should be used. The AvatarConfParser class should only be used to parse an avatar configuration file.

AvatarCreator inherits from AvatarConfParser and is the one to be used to create Avatar images.

An example usage would be:

from kano_avatar.logic import AvatarCreator, get_avatar_conf

configuration = get_avatar_conf()

ac = AvatarCreator(configuration)
ac.obj_select(['list', 'of', 'object', 'names', 'here'])
ac.create_avatar(save_to='new_avatar.png', circ_assets=True)

Configuration file

The logic for kano-avatar is very flexible in terms of adding new characters, items and item categories. It adheres to the YAML format. An example of the file is displayed below:

    - cat_name: Hats
      z_index: 2
      disp_icon: hats.png

    - cat_name: Shirts
      z_index: 1
      disp_icon: shirts.png

    - cat_name: Face
      z_index: 1
      disp_icon: face.png

    - display_name: Judoka
      img_name: Judoka.png
      preview_img: Judoka_prev.png
      crop_x: 193
      crop_y: 108

#   - display_name:
#     img_name:
#     preview_img:
#     position_x:
#     position_y:
#     category:
    - display_name: Blue Hat
      img_name: blue_hat.png
      preview_img: blue_hat_prev.png
      position_x: 185
      position_y: 55
      category: Hats

    - display_name: Black Hat
      img_name: black_hat.png
      preview_img: black_hat_prev.png
      position_x: 160
      position_y: 50
      category: Hats

    - display_name: White Hat
      img_name: white_hat.png
      preview_img: white_hat_prev.png
      position_x: 230
      position_y: 20
      category: Hats

    - display_name: T-Shirt
      img_name: t_shirt.png
      preview_img: t_shirt_prev.png
      position_x: 90
      position_y: 250
      category: Shirts

    - display_name: Sleeveless Shirt
      img_name: sleeveless_shirt.png
      preview_img: sleeveless_shirt_prev.png
      position_x: 150
      position_y: 250
      category: Shirts

    - display_name: Cool Shirt
      img_name: cool_shirt.png
      preview_img: cool_shirt_prev.png
      position_x: 75
      position_y: 245
      category: Shirts

    - display_name: Gentlemans Goatee
      img_name: goatee.png
      preview_img: goatee_prev.png
      position_x: 260
      position_y: 210
      category: Face

    - display_name: Red lips
      img_name: red_lips.png
      preview_img: red_lips_prev.png
      position_x: 260
      position_y: 200
      category: Face

    - display_name: Thick Stache
      img_name: thick_stache.png
      preview_img: thick_stache_prev.png
      position_x: 230
      position_y: 210
      category: Face

For the items, the position_x and position_y specify the offset of the top left corner of the asset when it is pasted on the base image, with regards to the latter.

For the character, the crop_x and crop_y specify the offset of the top left corner part of the image that will be used for the circular asset.

The preview_imgshould point to an image that will be used in the GUI to represent the character/category/item.

Please note that the category names are case sensitive