empirical TE load estimation - KamilSJaron/reproductive_mode_TE_dynamics GitHub Wiki

Scripts can be found in the /empirics folder.

Gather reads

Reads downloaded from the SRA (BioProject identifier PRJNA308843)

  • rename sra according to samples:
for file in *.sra; do read line;  mv -v "${file}" "${line}";  done < ../Names.txt 
  • convert sra to fastq:
for f in *.sra; do ~/Software/sratoolkit.2.5.7-ubuntu64/bin/fastq-dump.2.5.7 --gzip --split-3 $f; done

Our label scheme is described in sample names.

Raw read quality filtering and processing:

  • removing adapter sequences (script by Dan Rice):
  • read quality trimming:
  • merge reads of mated sexual strains and and renaming:
  • creation of 'artifical' non-overlapping paired-end reads to allow usage for insertion pipeline

TE abundance estimates

  • identification of TE content and positions in the ancestral 'starting' strain W303 genome using RepeatMasker and a curated yeast TE library:
 ~/Software/RepeatMasker406/RepeatMasker -nolow -lib sac_cer_TE_seqs_bergman.fasta -gccalc -s -cutoff 200 -no_is -nolow -norna -gff -u -engine rmblast -pa 8 w303_ref.fasta
  • mapping reads to the masked W303 genome with appended TE library with bwa-mem and get coverage for each element (following PopoolationTE2 guidelines):
  • to calculate fraction of reads mapping

TE insertion estimates

  • run the McClintock pipeline to get TE insertion estimates (run on Vital-it cluster)
  • collect the "nonredundant" results from the McClintock output folder:
find ./w303_ref/ -name '*_nonredundant.bed' -exec cp {} ./collected_results/ \;
for f in *.bed; do awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $0, FILENAME}' $f | sed '1d'; done | sed 's/_nonredundant.bed//g' | sed 's/_combined20f.fastq_/\t/g' | sed 's/\(.*\)-/\1 /' | awk '{print$0"\t"$4}' | sed 's/\(.*\)_/\1\t/' | cut -f 1-10 | sed 's/\(.*\)_/\1\t/' | awk '{print$0"\t"$5}' | cut -f 1-3,6-13 | sed 's/_sr/\tsr/g' | sed 's/_rp/\trp/g' | sed 's/_nonab/\tnonab/g' | sed 's/\(.*\)_/\1\t/' | cut -f 1-3,5-6,8-11 > collected_nonredundant_results.tbl
  • remove TEMP "nonab" inserts
cat collected_nonredundant_results.tbl2 | grep -v 'nonab' > collected_nonredundant_results_no_nonab.tbl2
  • collect all evidence for insertions of all different programs and merge overlapping evidence within 200 bp boundaries (script provided by Dan Jeffries)
  • add insertion position to the files
cat collected_nonredundant_results_no_nonab_merged.tbl2 | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | cut -f 12 | sed 's/-/\t/g' | cut -d ',' -f 1 > startend
paste collected_nonredundant_results_no_nonab_merged.tbl2 startend > collected_nonredundant_results_no_nonab_merged.tbl3

to count number of full-length TEs from RepeatMasker output of the reference as masked by McClintock:

cat w303_ref.fasta.out | awk '{if(($7-$6)>=4500)print$0}' | wc -l

Read coverage per sample

  • get coverage for each sample from McClintock generated bwa mapping:
find ./w303_ref/ -name '*.sorted.bam' -exec sh -c 'bedtools genomecov -d -ibam $0 -g w303_ref/reference/w303_ref.fasta > $0.cov' {} \; find ./w303_ref/ -name '*.cov' -exec cp {} ./coverage/ \;

  • calculate median coverage from these files
for f in *.cov; do sort -n -k3 $f | awk -v var="$f" ' { a[i++]=$3; } END { print var,a[int(i/2)];}' | sed 's/.sort.bam.cov//g' | sed 's/\(.*\)-/\1 /'; done >> cov.median


  • statistics, evaliation and length filtering of TEs all in the R script