Basics - Kalendarz2/Ultimate-Player-Recorder GitHub Wiki

All the basic features of this datapack. Most of the following ducumentation is also available in the in-game option descriptions.

Recording an animation

To record an animation, use the /trigger record command or enter the menu using /trigger menu and select Record. After typing the command, you should receive a settings book and a second one, allowing you to set the name of the animation.

By default, recording will start when you sign the book. Bossbar indicates the number of frames of the animation, and purple particles mark where the recording has started. You can pause the recording using a carrot on a stick with the name Pause Recording. All changed blocks and summoned entities (if previously activated in the settings) detected during the pause will be saved when you resume the recording.

To stop recording, type /trigger record again or use the carrot on a stick.

Recording other players and entities

You are not limited to just recording yourself. You can start recording any entity or player by using a record scoreboard. A value of 1 will automatically select an available id. To stop recording, set the scoreboard again to any value. Up to 10 entities can be recorded simultaneously. Detecting placed and destroyed blocks extremely affects performance, so it is recommended not to use it excessively. For more information on entity recording, see the API section.

Performing an animation

MovementPlay datapack is required to play animations. There are 2 basic ways to perform an animation on the selected entity.

  1. By giving it an item containing the animation data. To get one, use the /trigger item set <Animation ID> command or select this option from the menu. After throwing the item on the entity, it should start performing the animation.
  2. By setting the animation scoreboard to match the id of your animation. You can see a list of all animation id's in the menu.

An ongoing animation can be paused by giving the stop tag, and ended by setting the scoreboard to 0. You can also adjust the speed of the animation by changing the speed scoreboard. The default value is 0 (normal speed) and can be set to 1 (2x), 2 (4x), or -1 (1/2x), -2 (1/4x), -3 (1/10x), -4 (1/20x), -5 (1/40x), -6 (1/80x).

Deleting an animation

To delete an animation, use the /trigger delete set <Animation ID> command or select this option from the menu. A deleted animation cannot be restored. Due to the limitations of Minecraft commands, if you have recorded a lot of long animations, deletion may take a while. Using the /trigger delete set -1 command or selecting delete all from the menu will irreversibly delete all existing animations.

Transferring an animation

You can transfer your animations between Minecraft worlds using Import function. Get an item containing the animation with the command /trigger item set <Animation ID> and save it in the custom hotbars tab. Then, while holding the item in your hand, use the /trigger import command to add it to the list of animations available in your other world.

Animation settings

Once you start recording, you will receive a settings book that allows you to customize the parameters and events that will be recorded. The changes you make to the settings reset when you finish recording. To save them, select Save to defaults option.

Loop animation

If true, the animation will loop until it is disabled. If you want to make a properly looped animation, you should stop the recording at the same place where it started, or modify it in the editor.

Relative position

If true, the animation will be played relative to the entity's initial position. This means that the animation can be played at a different location than it was recorded. This option allows you to play the same animation without overlapping on several entities at the same time.

Loop from start

If true, relative and looping animation will always loop from the initial position.

Loop from start enabled                                                  Loop from start disabled

Manual frames

Animation frames are saved only by using the carrot on the stick. Any block placed or destroyed within the white outline will be saved. This is a mode designed for building animated structures.

Start trigger

Choose how to start recording.

  1. Book - recording will begin immediately after signing the book.
  2. Sync - when another animation executeas a sync event. How to synchronize animations.
  3. Move - when the player makes any movement.

Tick frequency

Recording frequency in ticks per second. The higher the value, the more accurate the animation will be, but it will also take up more memory and resources. For animations recording player movement, a value of 10 or 20 is recommended, while lower values should be used for recording blocks and events. Animation playback is always done at 20 tps, so lower values of this setting will speed up the animation. This should be compensated for by the playback speed setting.

Reverse animation

The animation will be played backwards. It will be recorded normally and will show up in the editor like a regular animation, but playing it back will start reading the frames from the last one.

Playback speed

The animation playback speed allows you to speed up or slow down the animation relative to how it was recorded. Values above 2 proportionally increase CPU usage.

Custom events

Custom events can be executed during recording by using a carrot on a stick.

  1. Cmd - Add your own command to the animation. It will be executed as the entity performing the animation and at its position. If the default command present in the command block minecart is removed, it will execute around coordinates 12587360 1 12587360. It can be used to create function-like timer commands in the editor.
  2. Sync - Allows you to synchronize 2 animations with each other. When the player sets the start trigger option to sync, recording will start when another animation performs this event. How to synchronize animations.
  3. Score - Sets a score scoreboard value on the entity performing the animation. Can be useful for selecting entities with commands depending on their animation progress.
  4. Anim (only in editor) - Stops the ongoing animation and performs the selected one if the entity has the specified tag. The first minecart requires an animation id and the second one a tag. If the second minecart is destroyed, the event will not require a tag. It is used to create animation sequences such as custom pathfinding or NPC dialogues