How to create a new Checklist - KalAbaddon/ GitHub Wiki

You can create a checklist by looking over the following pages to get an idea of the layout.

Here are all the checklists currently on the site as and a few menu items (like home and about, you can ignore these)

And here is a folder layout using the F14 as an example

Root page for ALL F14 checklists.

Once you are in that folder you can see the folders for each checklist

for example the folder the "Official HeatBlur" "Cross Bleed Airstart" Checklist is as follows.

and under that folder we find the actual checklist file for the Cross Bleed Airstart Checklist.

So all that said if you want to assist all I need is a file or a file. is for checklists with a step and detail field, checklist is if it only has steps. If your steps have a few blank "details" please still use the file and just do not add a detail line for any step that does not have a detail. here are examples of both types.

example of file with not every step having a detail. (named

example of a file with no steps having a detail (named

I have adjusted the setup a bit, If you have anything that should be an addition formating at the begine or end of a step or detail please create a section for it.

i.e. I have a few checklists that have a location section

- step:
- step:
- step:

Any step you want you can add a location text to and it will start the details with the Location in red.

example code

it in action

if you have an idea for something that your checklist needs like a location please let me know and maybe we can add it to the site and future checklists can use it as a variable also.

Lastly in side the ( or ) are a few really important fields for sorting

  1. tag place conditions or type of checklist. (but not name, put that only in title please)
  2. put the types as the second to last tag under tag.
  3. Put weapon type ( i.e. a gpu checklist should have a tag of GBU ) as the LAST tag. I may make it separate like craft later and it will be eaiser if it is the last one.

under craft tag enter the diffrent names for the aircraft.

under author tag put your name or the name of who wrote the orignal checklist you are transcribing / editing to fit

        - ground
        - engine off
        - AJS-37
        - Viggen
    author: AUTHERSNAME

the above is all that is most imporatnt, the rest is just helpfull to me.

So to add a checklist to an existing aircraft you would need to create the file like follows


To add a F-16 Prestart check in a format that only showed steps and zero details you would make a new folder with the highest number and name the file ( at the time of writing folder number was 10, this is no big deal and I can fix in a sec so dont sweat it in fact I may remove the number sooner then later)


There is no need to include any pics, I was only using them as place holders.

Priamry you can send it to me via a pastebin for just the checklsit file and I will build up the rest

alt 1 safe web link of some sort in a format that can be auto scanned for viruii (think google drive share of a folder with the structure "UNZIPPED" so that google can auto scan it)

alt 4 (recommend that you know git for this one ) I think the cleanest way to ge tthis info to me is to make a fork of my project, edit the page folder and files, and make a pull request ( will auto reject if anything out side of check list folders and pages that are commited, I am not opposed to this, just for fixing other stuff make a separate request not connected to a checklist update or add. )

alt 3 what ever you can come up with that provides the least security concern about me accepting files from strangers on the internet and then posting it places for lots of other strangers to see, get effected by. :)

Thanks KalAbaddon