Week 3 - Kahuna915/Capstone-Cloud-Integration GitHub Wiki


> Worked On:
    > Worked on automation of creating Organization, OU, inviting users, VPC, subnets, and gateways
    > Also worked on setting up the AD connector to the on premise AD for cyber.local
> Finished:
    > Finished the prerequisites for the AD Connector 
> Issues:
    > Waiting on Devin and Adam to reach back out to my email for the AD connection
    > I plan on reaching out again on Monday
> Skills acquired:
    > Learning VPC connections, proper tagging 
    > How to connect a AD to the cloud environment
    > Lots of research
    > More familiar with automation
> Things impacting capstone:
    > Lost a sense of direction for the beginning of the semester but back on track...
    > Waiting on email replies
    > Figuring out the best/most appropriate way to incorporate our project. 


> Worked On:
    > Looking into and setting up vSphere demonstration 
    > setting up budgets and logging
> Finished:
    > Finished setting up budgeting
> Issues:
    > vSphere demonstration would cost to much money
> Skills acquired:
    > how to connect a vshpere instance to aws
    > refined my budgets and accounting knowledge
    > Lots of research
> Things impacting capstone:
    > started up work on capstone again after a stutter step
    > aws can cost a lot
    > Figuring out ways to proceed that wont bankrupt the project



In week three I have accomplished creating a future plan for the rest of this project. Due to Human error, I have found that AWS Member accounts natively have separate environments. Meaning that this project can be back on track for the original goal.


Issues that were seen this week was creating SCP policies. These policies function differently than IAM Policies. IAM is meant to give users access to specific tasks and services, while SCP policies are meant to take away users' permissions, making the concept of them the opposite of what I have been working it. Granted this was not that big of an issue, and I was able to adapt pretty quickly after I learned how to assign the policies to specific resources.

Skill acquired

I am now semi-confident in creating policies and understanding AWS hierarchy when it comes to user permissions.

Impact on the next weeks

This is massive for our project, a little annoying that it took this long to figure out, but massive non the less. Users will now have environments without any overlap and are still managed by Admins.