Week 2 - Kahuna915/Capstone-Cloud-Integration GitHub Wiki


> Accomplished:
    > Created a way to separate users based on regions but there is only 17 regions. Still working with tags but worst case scenario I can implement user separation via region based.
    > Have reached out to Adam to create a few test users for the organization. 
    > Have been working on my IAM user creation script. Will need to update the regions. 
    > Have learned though if we want to do one AWS class with 17 students in it we can accomplish this. This could be a good starting point and then branch out once there is a better way to separate users.
    > Discussed the idea of using a platform like Guacamole but realized the whole point of the class is to create your own instances and play around with AWS so that would defeat the purpose.
> Issues:
    > 99.9 % sure that tags won't work but if Adam wants more than 17 students which I believe we may have to separate based on classes. Will discuss with Adam.
> Skills | Lessons Learned:
    > Troubleshooting, and overall understand on how AWS actual supports their customers and separating users from each other.
    > Better organization with self projects ... this has been our biggest problem that we are corelating on fixing.
> Things impacting work:
    > Personal life/ May be flying home soon.
    > Hard to get focused on this project with other things going on.


Summary of accomplishments, tasks worked on, tasks completed

In the past two weeks, I have accomplished cleaning up the AWS organization, from deleting and recreating OU's to Creating Scripts for OU's, I have also scheduled and attended meetings with our Client, and worked on separating user environments.

Issues encountered and how you addressed them

Some of the issues I have encountered is attempting to gain email aliases for Organization accounts that are in our organization. To get around that I increased the default amount of organization accounts so that I could add two more accounts for testing.

Skills acquired or strengthened and lessons learned

I have acquired further knowledge of AWS CLI as well as clearing and cleaning up an organization.

Thoughts/ideas that may impact the next week of work on your Capstone

For the weeks to come, I will be working on separating user environments, creating a hierarchy for OU's that represents cyber.local, and supporting my teammates when needed.