Sprint Four Overview - Kahuna915/Capstone-Cloud-Integration GitHub Wiki

Week 10

Week 10, we will start our quality control process for our security groups, access control lists, and organizational units

  • Quality assurance for security groups
  • Quality assurance for access control lists
  • Quality assurance for organizational units
  • Working on setting up credits for students
  • Limits are in place

Kickoff meeting

A meeting took place on Monday the 10th to discuss the objective of our final sprint.

Week 11

In week 11, we will need to perform quality control for our budgeting as well as admin logging

  • Admin logging is in place
  • Budget reports are sent to the correct emails
  • Correct Champlain Faculty have access

Progress update

At the end of week 11, we will need to do a progress update to make sure the team is at a good point.

Week 12

In Week 12, we will fix GitHub up and work on the final presentation.

Progress Update

Week 12 progress update to see


Our demo will be the foundation of our organization. Users, Organizational Units, AD joined, budget reports, and propagated billing for users.


The sprint overall went well. The team was able to get a final presentation together for the showcase. Our product was alot of research but overall helped develop our skills.