Nbtstat - KadeTheKade/ForensicTools GitHub Wiki

NetBIOS was the system for networking small groups of computers(around a dozen) together in the 1980's. This system worked off the user registering a unique name for the computer on the network. This no longer works for the TCP/IP system that is in place today with the modern Internet, so another system (NBT) was developed to allow these legacy systems to function by translating those names into the IP addresses needed. This is part of what Nbtstat does. This tool allows the user to control the reported information through the proper parameters like

The nbtstat - c option shows the contents of the NetBIOS name cache, which contains NetBIOS name-to-IP address mappings.

nbtstat -n displays the names that have been registered locally on the system by NetBIOS applications such as the server and redirector.

There is a table of these parameters at TechNet