8051 6digit LED Clock firmware for AKIT112(AITENDO) and SHE879(Alibaba) - KUMIKOMINOSATO/Clock6 GitHub Wiki
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This project has been started for achieve compatible firmware on AKIT112/SHE879 which does not provide source code. Reason of this project was caused as some of MCU was not written with right image on it.
Hardware Spec (Common)
CPU: AT89C2051 (2KB Flash) Clock: 12MHz (XTAL)
Hardware Spec (DELTA)
LED Pin Assignment AKIT112 LED selector Port3. B5 B4:B3 B2:B1 B0 Segment assignment Port1 B6(G),B5(F),B4(E),B3(D),B2(C),B1(B),B0(A) SHE879 LED selector Port3. B0 B1:B2 B3:B4 B5 Segment assignment Port1 B6(C),B5(E),B4(D),B3(G),B2(F),B1(B),B0(A)
Software Branch
- Timer0 250us(8bit) Timer0 process is accurate with hardware base and just counting right timer logic only
- Timer1 2.5ms(16bit) High Priority Timer1 process is not accurate but pickup accurate timer counter by Timer0 for counting accurate accumulative timer.
- Main logic has been performed as running due to short interval interrupt.
- Timer1 2.5ms(16bit) LED_SCAN (dynamic illuminate) Timer1 process is handling 6LED segment data output with sequentially.
- Timer0 25ms(16bit) Tick base for clock logic High Priority Timer0 process is handling accurate timing for clock logic with peek Timer0 value as passing time for compensate next timing.
- Main logic has been performed idle and wake up with Timer0 for clock logic start