Roadmap M0 - KTH-RAS-HT14-G9/robot_ai GitHub Wiki

Roadmap - Milestone 0


  1. build a robot (only with drive and camera)
    • what kind of drive (e.g. how many wheels)?
    • what should the base look like?
    • how to connect hardware?
    • keyterms: controllability, robustness, modularity
  2. run ROS on robot
    • sending signals to motors
    • get information from encoders
    • get image from camera
  3. create robot in ROS simulator
    • embed mechanical properties, e.g.:
      • wheel size
      • wheel distance
    • use kobuki?
  4. implement controllers (in simulator) for
    • forward movement (as in lab task 3)
    • following a known object
  5. implement simple hand-detection algorithm
    • w/ or w/o calibrating camera
    • using simple pattern matching or skin color detection
  6. integrate software on robot
    • think about code structure (e.g. how should we organize packages/nodes)