Main Scene Hierarchy - KSU-CS-Software-Engineering/VetMedSim GitHub Wiki

This page describes the architecture used to construct the main Clinic scene in Unity. It will explain the use of sprites and the Unity tile engine to construct the game's playable space, and the way the scene is organized.

Scene Hierarchy

The following is the directory organization of the Clinic scene. Individual objects are omitted to show the structure and preserve the shelf life of this page.

Clinic Scene
  • Rooms
    • Waiting Room 1
      • Comfy Chairs
      • Reception Desk
    • Waiting Room 2
      • Comfy Chairs
      • Reception Desk
    • Kennel
      • Kennel Row Upper
        • Top Kennels
        • BottomKennels
      • Kennel Row Lower
        • Top Kennels
        • BottomKennels
    • Hallway
    • Surgery Room
    • Laboratory
    • Exam Room
  • Floor Grid
    • Floor Tilemap
  • Walls Grid
    • Walls Tilemap
  • Wall Tops Grid
    • Wall Tops Tilemap

Tile Palettes

There are two palettes used for the tilemaps; Walls Palette and Floor Palette. The Walls Palette includes both the sprites for the Walls Tilemap and Wall Tops Tilemap. The Floor Palette holds the sprites from a few different sheets and includes the tiles for the indoor floors as well as the outdoor grass and paths.


The scene hierarchy is broken up into individual rooms to make editing and clear and encapsulated. Certain rooms have child objects grouped into sub-directories so that certain foreground/background logic can be applied to allow the player to walk both behind and in front of them.


Each object in the scene has a prefab. Most of these prefabs have associated colliders; those which don't are items which are likely to only be set on top of other objects (e.g. stacks of papers, beakers.)

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