Work Items - KSU-CS-Software-Engineering/HSPC GitHub Wiki
To Do
- Make Score Card exportable as a PDF
- Make Score Card exportable as a CSV
Competitions tab
- Rename to "Events"
- Change layout to a table view
- table should contain information of all past events (e.g. date, time, location)
- each event should have a sub table containing buttons for an event's questions and scorecard files
- opening PDFs in the Events page should open in a new tab rather than in page
Admin Portal
- Add analytics and for events
- Finish Mass Email
- Add wait list view
- Add feature to generate table placements for teams
- Add feature to sign teams in on event day
Advisor Portal
- Add feature to sign teams in on event day
Student Portal
- Add a team viewer similar to Advisor Portal
Volunteer Portal
- Add feature to sign teams in on event day
- Auto-approve team sign-ups from advisors
- Add wait list for when event reaches capacity
- (Optional) Require Sign-in to view score cards