Home - KSU-CS-Software-Engineering/HSPC GitHub Wiki

Authors: Daniel J. Bell, Kyle C. Fairfax, Joseph E. Webster
Date: August 2018 - May 2019

The High School Programming Contest Application is a web-based, full-stack solution to all aspects of successful registration, administration, and implementation of a High School Programming Contest. The front-end was created uses React Boostrap & Material-UI. The back-end is a custom written API which utilizes an MSSQL Database running within a Docker container. The entirety of our development and progress has been on Ubuntu 19.04 running on a Virtual Machine (VM).

* It is highly recommended to use a Linux-based operating system. Development with ReactJS, Node, and JavaScript on a non-linux distributed OS may lead to dependency issues.

Table of Contents

Key: "*" = (optional, but recommended)

  1. Getting Started
    a. Setting up Linux OS on Virtual Machine.
    b. Installing Git.
    c. Installing NodeJS & NPM.
    d. Cloning the Repository.
    e. Installing Docker.
    f. Installing MSSQL Container.
    g. Installing DBeaver.
    h. Connecting to MSSQL.
    j. Setting up the database.
    i. * Install VS Code.
  2. Known Bugs
    a. SQL Injection vulnerability upon account registration.
    b. Blank Scorecard at Upload.
    c. Empty Event Creation.
    d. Past Event Creation.
    e. Conflicting Events.
    f. Blank Team Creation.
  3. Common Issues and Fixes
    a. ELIFECYCLE upon NPM Start.
  4. Back-Log
    a. Back-Log.