Assignments - KSU-ART/tutorial-site GitHub Wiki
HackerRank Project 1:
Log into HackerRank and complete this challenge.
Upload your code:
- Create a GitHub repository under your account called "competitive-programming"
- Clone the repository and create a folder called "HackerRank"
- Make a new file called "" in the folder
- Add your solution to the file
- Add, Commit, and Push your changes to GitHub
Post the url to your repository in the intro_group slack channel.
If you have any questions, direct-message me on slack. - shadySource (alec)
Docker Project 1
- Complete both ROS tutorials (under the ros tab on the wikipedia page)
- Modify the basic publisher/subscriber to do the following:
- Have the publisher publish random numbers in the range 1-1000
- Have the subscriber receive the published random numbers and print out an average of all the random numbers after receiving each message