Planned Features - KSPSnark/IndicatorLights GitHub Wiki
IndicatorLights is very much still under development. Here's a sampling of some future features I'm considering adding at some point. Caveat: This list is in no particular order... nor is it a promise... nor is it necessarily complete.
- More standalone lights, like the BL-01 Indicator Light, in various shapes and sizes.
- A revisit to the styling on the models. I suck at modeling; the current models are a rudimentary first attempt.
- Blinking that starts with a user (or other game) action, rather than being synchronized to absolute wall-clock time.
- Crew indicators for all the crewable parts to which I haven't added them already.
- A way of showing heat status for ISRU units (currently they're just a simple on/off indicator for the converters).
- Mining drill heat indicators.
- More detailed status indicators for the Mobile Processing Lab.
- More customization options for modders who want to incorporate IndicatorLights functionality into their parts, e.g. a general-purpose boolean toggle that works with any boolean field of any module.
- Additional parameterized ColorSource types.
- Ability to have "place-anywhere" lights whose status is tied to some other player-specified part (e.g. "this light over here shows the status of that engine over there").
- More complex indicators (e.g. panels of multiple lights)
- Eye candy (e.g. panels of blinkenlights)
If there's a feature idea that you'd love to have, and don't see it in the above list, I'd love to hear from you! Please post in the IndicatorLights forum thread to let me know.