StaticModule: GrasColor - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki
This Module replaces the texture and color of the specified mesh. the color is the same as the underground, but can also specified in the instance.cfg file.
You can access builtin textures as listed here when using the BUILTIN:/ prefex
All SQUAD Assets with the default grass have this enabled.
***Gras is the german word for grass
// Mandatory, always the same
namespace = KerbalKonstructs
name = GrasColor
// Mandatory
GrasMeshName = name of the mesh where it should be applied
// Optional
GrasTextureImage = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new // the texture to use
UsePQSColor = False // use a cam or a PQS query to determin the color
UseNormalMap = False // should a NormalMap be applied as well (will change the shader)
GrasTextureNormalMap = normalmap // the normalmap if UseNormalMap = True