StaticModule: AnimateOnTrigger - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki
This module plays a animation when a Vessel (Root Part) enters the specified Collider Objects. Up to three different Animations can be played.
- When Entering the Colliders.
- While staying within the Colliders.
- When the Root part exits the Colliders.
Best used when you only have one big convex mesh, where you remove the MeshRenderer component and define it as a trigger collider. It does not need to be a box collider.
// Mandatory, always the same
namespace = KerbalKonstructs
name = AnimateOnTrigger
// Mandatory
ColliderNames = , seperated List of Trigger colliders to use (or a single name)
// Optional but define at least one
AnimOnEnter = Animation name to play when vessel enters the collider
AnimOnStay = Animation name to play while vessel stay within the collider
AnimOnExit = Animation name to play when vessel exits the collider