StaticModule: AnimateOnSunRise - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki
This Module triggers/plays an animation on the static as soon the sun goes above or below the horizon. It checks for all statics in the same group to save CPU resources.
// Mandatory, always the same
namespace = KerbalKonstructs
name = AnimateOnSunRise
// Mandatory
animationName = your animation name
// Optional
reverseAnimation = False// Play the animation in reverse
timeWarpAnimation = True// Animation speed scale to timeWarp
mathHorizontalAngle = False// "Precise" math for the horizon angle, instead of 90°. Probably useful only for static on top of a peak
horizonAngleOffset = 0// Offset the horizon angle, can be postive or negative. Can be used alone or with mathHorizontalAngle
// Very optional :
delayLowTimeWarp = 2f// delay between check of the sun position when in physical timeWarp, divided by the current timeWarp rate
delayHighTimeWarp = .1f// delay between check of the sun postion when in on-rails timeWarp (x5 and more)