StaticModule: AnimateOnClick - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki

This module plays a animation when the static object is clicked with the mouse

    // Mandatory, always the same
    namespace = KerbalKonstructs
    name = AnimateOnClick

    // Mandatory
    animationName = your animation name
    collider = the collider object that should trigger the animation

    // Optional
    HighlightOnHover = True// should the object lightened up when the mouse goes over it
    animationSpeed = 1 // Animation speed 

    playSound = false // should also a sound be played
    soundFile =   // manditory if above is set to true
    soundMinDistance = 100 // distance until the sound is heared in full volume
    soundMaxDistance = 300 // maximum distance until its heared
    soundPlayAsLoopDuringAnimation = false // should the sound be played in a loop or once (until the animation is finished)
