StaticModule: AdvancedTextures - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki
This Module lets you replace the Shader and the Textures of any Mesh.
You can access builtin textures as listed here when using the BUILTIN:/ prefex
You can see the list of all shaders here
Any Parameter not specified will be ignored, so only use these you need
// Mandatory, always the same
namespace = KerbalKonstructs
name = AdvancedTextures
// Optional
transforms = Any // on which meshes the changes should be made, default is everywhere
newShader = <shadername> // name of the shader which should be used
newMaterial = <Materialname> // when set this overrides any other setting. It will replance the materials with a other one.
// You can find in the wiki the list of the MaterialNames
_Color = 1,1,1,1 // new color values for the _Color field
_MainTex = <name> // texture
_BumpMap = <name> // normal map
_ParallaxMap = <name> // height map
_Emissive = <name> // legacy shader U4 name for emissive map
_EmissionMap = <name> // U5 std shader name for emissive map
_MetallicGlossMap = <name> // U5 metallic (standard shader)
_OcclusionMap = <name> // ambient occlusion
_SpecGlossMap = <name> // U5 metallic map (standard shader - spec gloss setup)
BuiltinIndex = 0 // set this to something higher, if there is more than one texture with the same name.