MapDecal: Editor - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki

MapDecals are a way to alter the terrain of planets through image (map) files. Black parts of a heighmap define the base altitude and white parts the maximum elevation (can be negative). gray values the area in between.

All new MapDecals will be saved in the NewInstances Folder and can be moved elsewhere and renamed.

The minimum a MapDecal needs is a Heighmap. Everything else is optional:

Settings of the editor

  • Name: give you MapDecal a name so you understand what it does
  • Radius: The size of the affected area. On Kerbin setting this smaller than 125m will result in no change at all.
  • HeighMap: The heightMap to use (required to be set)
  • ColorMap: The colormap to use (can be none)
  • RemoveScatter: Should scatter objects (like trees) be removed
  • AbsolutOffset: at which altitude should black parts of the map start
  • Heading: the direction the map should be turned.
  • Placement order: PQS with higher order are executed after a PQS with a lower order. You can create more complex terrain this way. Use good names on your stacked PQS
  • HeightMapDeformity: Define how much the white part of you map should be away from the black parts
  • SmoothHeight: smooth the heighmap by a factor, to make is less edgy
  • SmoothColor: Blend the colomap with the underground. a value of 0 means use only the colormap.
  • CullBlack: Remove all black values from the heighmap before evaluating the heighmap settings.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use the AllBlack HeighMap with CullBlack and RemoveScatter enabled, to remove only the Scatter objects in an area, but not to alter the terrain.