Instance Config File Format - KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs GitHub Wiki


The instances can be in a seperate File or in the same file as the model definition. The format is the same, except, when in a seperate file, the "Model Header" consists of "pointername = [modelname]

    	pointername = ksidefueltank3
        		CelestialBody = Kerbin
        		RadialPosition = 158425.297,-402.986908,-578790.875
        		Orientation = 0,1,0
        		RadiusOffset = 65.1053391
        		RotationAngle = 165.223907
        		isScanable = False
        		ModelScale = 1
        		RefLatitude = -0.038477201737405667
        		RefLongitude = -74.692076885142527
        		VisibilityRange = 25000
        		Group = KSCUpgrades
        		GroupCenter = false
        	    		FacilityType = FuelTanks
        	    		LqFMax = 0
        	    		OxFMax = 0
        	    		MoFMax = 0
        	    		LqFAlt = 
        	    		OxFAlt = 
        	    		MoFAlt = 
        	    		OpenCloseState = Closed
        	    		OpenCost = 0
        	    		CloseValue = 0
                        LaunchSite {
                                FacilityType = LaunchSite
                                LaunchPadTransform = arakeboclinic_spawn
                                LaunchSiteName = Arakebo Island
                                LaunchSiteAuthor = 
                                LaunchSiteType = SPH
                                LaunchSiteLogo = ArakeboClinicLogo
                                LaunchSiteIcon = noIcon
                                LaunchSiteDescription = This clinic is a small facility located at the base of the observatory's causeway. It focuses on rehabilitation of kerbonauts after long missions in space.
                                Category = Other
                                LaunchSiteLength = 0
                                LaunchSiteWidth = 0
                                LaunchRefund = 0
                                RecoveryFactor = 0
                                RecoveryRange = 100000
                                LaunchSiteIsHidden = False
                                OpenCloseState = Closed
                                OpenCost = 20000
                                CloseValue = 5000

Instance defining config

Most instances will never be written by Hand, but If you want:

Entry Function Required comment
CelestialBody The Name of the Body where to be placed yes
RadialPosition vectr from the body-center to the static no not required when RefLatitude and RefLongitude is set
Orientation the Up vector if the static yes
RadiusOffset the hight above sealevel yes
RotationAngle the heading of the object yes
isScanable should the static show up as a anomaly no default: false
ModelScale how much should the model be scaled no default: 1
RefLatitude self explaining no not if RadialPosition is given, will be overwritten by RadialPosition
RefLongitude self explaining no not if RadialPosition is given , will be overwritten by RadialPosition
VisibilityRange from how far should th object be visible yes
Group a Name (without blanks) to Group other statics in the surrounding with. yes Setting a GroupName != Ungrouped will reduce CPU needed, when the Statics are not visible.
GroupCenter is this static the center of the group no only one should be yes, but will be set automaticly

Facility defining config

Entry Function Example Required comment

LaunchSite defining config

Entry Function Required comment
FacilityType internal no not needed
LaunchPadTransform The Name of the Models Transform where to launch yes
LaunchSiteName A uniq identifier for this site yes
LaunchSiteAuthor who made this no
LaunchSiteType from where can be launched no SHP,VAB,ANY; default: ANY
LaunchSiteLogo a custom logo for the site no
LaunchSiteIcon a custom mapicon for the site no
LaunchSiteDescription some nice description for the site no
Category the filter settings on the MAP
LaunchSiteLength unused no
LaunchSiteWidth unused no
LaunchRefund the discount for launching here no
RecoveryFactor how much can be recovered from here no
RecoveryRange from how far can we recover no
LaunchSiteIsHidden does the LS show up on the map, when the site is Closed no default: false
OpenCloseState default State of the site no default: Closed
OpenCost how much will the base cost to open no setting to "0" will set OpenCloseState to "Open".
CloseValue the refund, when the site is closed no