Module Manager Syntax - KSP-ModularManagement/ModuleManager GitHub Wiki
KSP uses ConfigNodes extensively for all aspects of configuration. The main way in which modders interact with these is in the configuration of parts. There's a fair bit of documentation about this elsewhere, but for the purposes of this document we will define a few things:
// This is a comment. Everything after // on a line is ignored by KSP. We'll
// use comments to explain ConfigNodes.
// This is a top-level node. Note the name with curly brackets afterward.
// This is the name value. It's just a standard name/value pair, but any of these named 'name'
// is treated a bit special by MM
name = myPart
// This is another value. Note name = value . You can't have a name without a value,
// but you can have a value without a name (treated as the empty string for name )
module = Part
// This is a node named 'MODULE'. It's a collection of further values and modules
name = ModuleEngines
// This is a patch. Note the prefix - this will be one of '@' for edit, '+' or '$' for copy,
// '-' or '!' for delete, '%' to edit-or-create. A patch takes some pre-existing top-level node and modifies it
// Edit the value with name 'module'
@module = PartEnhanced
// Delete all 'MODULE' nodes.
-MODULE,* { }
The BEFORE, FOR, and AFTER keywords can be used to control in what order your patch is applied. See this page for details.
In GameData/New_Horizons/.../SomePlanet.cfg
// This runs after Kopernicus
In GameData/MyMod/.../MyMod.cfg
// This runs after New_Horizons
(Soon) (copy/move some of the next section)
You can now put a NEEDS section on any section of your file. This isn't just MM patches, it can be literally anywhere - on values, on nodes, on patches, wherever you like. (this enhanced behaviour is new)
An example:
name = myPartName
description:NEEDS[RealFuels&!ModularFuelSystem] = This part is used in real fuels
description:NEEDS[ModularFuelSystem&!RealFuels] = This part is used in modular fuel system
So what this means is the part will only be defined if RealFuels OR ModularFuelSystem is present. There are two alternatives for the description field, based on what's present.
This is handy if you're a mod developer and you want to create parts that vary a bit depending on what's installed.
The stuff within the needs section is based on either:
- A plugin .dll with the same assembly name.
- A subdirectory name under GameData. (Names with spaces can be used, just remove the spaces:
GameData/My Mod/
- A FOR[Blah] defined would allow NEEDS[Blah]
This uses the assembly name (which is compiled into the DLL) so you'd always get ModuleManager even if you rename the dll. It's usually going to be the same as the DLL name but it's not always. If you find the DLL in explorer, go to the properties right-click menu, and look in the Details tab the name is there under File Description.
You can use &
(ampersand) for AND, |
(pipe) for OR and !
(exclamation) for NOT in the needs listing. To maintain backward compatibility ,
(comma) is treated as an alias for &
(AND). If you combine several |
and &
, eg NEEDS[Mod1|Mod2&!Mod3|Mod4]
this is treated as ( Mod1 OR Mod2 ) AND ( ( NOT Mod3 ) OR Mod4 ). I won't be implementing brackets, it would make the parser far too complicated. There's always a way to represent what you want in this form, although it might need a few repeated terms, I'm not sure I can truly see much of a use case for anything super complex.
In the below stuff, I've not put in the NEEDS section for clarity, however, you can use it wherever you like.
The general form of a patch for values is
So breaking this down
One of- nothing for insert
for edit -
for copy -
for delete -
for edit-or-create. -
for conditional-create.
: The name of the value you'll be messing with. Wildcards are not always available for every Op. Wildcards include?
for any character, and*
for any number of chars. Note that ''only alphanumeric chars'' are allowed in value names for patches. If you have spaces or any other char, use a?
to match it. -
: Optional index. Again, not available with every option. Not that these indexes are ''with respect to all name matches'' not the total index in the node. I will support negative indexes for running back through the list soon. Also*
is not yet supported.
The general form for nodes is:
<Op><NodeType>([<NodeNameWithWildcards>])?(:HAS[<has block>])?(,<index-or-*>)?
: Operator, as above -
: typically MODULE or something like it. Wildcards not allowed (I can't imagine you'd need them) -
: This is a wildcard match for thename = <name>
value within the node. Optional.- This is equivalent to
, which means it will exclude any nodes which do not have names (there aren't many, but they do exist). This means thatFOOBAR[*]
will not select all nodes of type FOOBAR, but all nodes of type FOOBAR which have a defined "name" field. (If you want to select all FOOBAR nodes, useFOOBAR,*
- This is equivalent to
(:HAS[<has block>])?
: Optional . You can't (currently) use indexes with HAS. This has been described previously. If this is present then all matches will be matched, there's no indexing available currently. -
: Index to select particular match zero-based. 0 is the first node, -1 is the last node. Values "off the end" will match the end, so large positive matches the end, and large negative matches the beginning. Again this matches ''against everything the wildcard selects in order''.*
here will match everything.
Insert is the default operator - it's what you get if you don't specify anything. You can now specify the index at which you'd like to insert your bit of config, otherwise, it defaults to the end of the list
node_stack_atend = 0.0, 7.21461, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
node_stack_atstart,0 =0.0, -7.21461, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
// Insert at the start
name = ModuleSomething
This will add an extra value called node_stack_atend at the end of the list, another value node_stack_atstart at the start, and insert a new module first in the list.
Obviously wildcards, * indexes, and other stuff aren't available. Just the value or node name. If you do put in a wildcard it will end up in the output verbatim.
Edits the node or value in place. The order will not change (new since 2.0.9 ish).
For nodes, all options are available to select the node, including indexes, * index, HAS, and wildcards in the name. If there are multiple matches and the index is not supplied, this will edit the first match.
// edit by name, will select the first one if multiple nodes with same name
@MODULE[module2] { ... }
// edit by wildcard, will select the first module with name ending with 2.
@MODULE[*2] { ... }
// edit by index - will edit the second module (0 based indexing )
@MODULE,1 { ... }
// edit by name and index - will edit the second module with name=module2
@MODULE[module2],1 { ... }
// edit by wildcard and index - will edit the sixth module with name ending with 2. If there's no fifth, edit the last one defined
@MODULE[*2],5 { ... }
// edit by wildcard and index - edit the last module with three letter name starting with c
@MODULE[c??],-1 { ... }
// edit with wildcarded index - will edit all modules under the part. Use carefully!
@MODULE,* { ... }
// edit with wildcard and wildcarded index - will edit all modules with name ending with 2.
@MODULE[*2],* { ... }
For values, you additionally have the option of a replacement based on the existing node value, including standard arithmetic operators plus regular expressions for strings. Note: ''if no index is specified, only the first match will be edited''. Once ,*
is implemented, then this behaviour should really change to all matches by default, so maybe would be a good idea for patch maintainers to move to use ,0
// Unindexed - edits the first
@name = somePart2
// Arithmetic - add 5 and multiply by 20. Unindexed so edits the first one.
@numeric += 5
@numeric *= 20
@numeric != 2 //Squares the value of numeric
// Regexp expression. Replaces any instance of "tw" with "mo", so would turn "twotwo" into "moomoo"
// Note also the index.
@multiVal,1 ^= :tw:mo:
When using regexp replacements, the first character in the list is used as the separator. You can use whatever you like, but :
is often a good choice. Obviously ensure that this isn't present in the regexp expression.
Please note that regex generation is often tricky and requires some experimentation to get right. It is assumed that if you want to use this feature you're well versed with how regexes work, including the various variants. Please refer to the .net documentaton and/or copious other documentation available on the Internet. I won't support questions about 'how do I do a regex to do xxx' on the list, you'll have to figure it out or look for help elsewhere.
Here are some useful regexes:
:$: Some Extra Stuff:
matches the end of the string, so this is an easy way to add suffixes -
:^: Preamble :
Similar to above.^
matches the start of a string -
:^.*$: Preamble $0 Some extra stuff:
Combining the above.^.*$
matches the entire input, and$0
will stick it in in the output.
Copy behaves identically to Edit, however rather than editing the node or value, it creates a full copy of it. It will always put the copy at the end of the list.
Note that for parts, you must always give the part a new name or it's a bit pointless.
@name = myNewPartCopy
// Doubles the thrust of the copied engine.
@maxThrust *= 2
The above would give us a copy of myPartName (presumably an engine in this case,) with a new name and double the thrust. All other properties, such as AtmosphereCurves (Isp) and descriptions would remain the same as the original part.
Delete a node or value. The order of everything afterward will obviously drop back one step.
For nodes, all options are available to select the node, including indexes, * index, HAS, and wildcards in the name. If there are multiple matches and the index is not supplied, this will default to again to all nodes.
For values, again all options available. If no index is specified then all matching values are deleted - This differs in behavior to edit. I will likely change edit to doing this in the future.
// Delete the first copy
-MODULE[module2] {}
// Indexed delete
-MODULE,2 { }
// Indexed delete from end
-MODULE,-2 { }
// Indexed delete off end
-MODULE,9999 { }
// Unindexed (remove all)
-multiVal = dummy
// Indexed
-multiVal2,0 = dummy
// Wildcard
-num*ic = dummy
Note that you still need to use { and } for nodes, and a dummy value for values. If you don't do this then KSP will evaluate the key or node as invalid and eat it before Module Manager gets a chance to evaluate it.
This will edit the value it exists, otherwise, it will create new value as though this was an insert.
For existing nodes this will be identical to edit if the node exists, otherwise, it will create an empty node, named as per the node name, and run it through the patch. Obviously, because of the insert part, wildcards aren't allowed because the result wouldn't make sense. this is not flagged as an error in the current build for nodes;
For values, this is identical to doing a delete and then an insert. Wildcards and indexes are not supported. The delete will delete all matches. This command has quite limited functionality, but it's there.
This will create a new value if and only if one does not already exists. Useful to provide a default value if nothing else provides a "real" one.
This operator renames the node containing the key. The name of the key itself can be any value and does not matter.
It cannot be used on top-level nodes
// Contents omitted.
It's possible to copy a node located elsewhere into the current location:
EXAMPLE { NESTED { TARGET { foo = bar } } }
NESTED { TARGET { foo = bar } }
TARGET { foo = bar }
Some automated test cases for this build are here. These also double as good examples of how it works.
Forum Post (updated link)
signifies a variable of some kind.
signifies the start and end of a variable identifier string.
signifies a different top-level node than the one you're currently in.
From here, you can navigate as if you were in a directory structure:
//This would return 'RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Engine':
@title = #$@PART[liquidEngine1-2]/title$
//This would return the mass of the current part:
@mass = #$../../mass$