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CAPQuiz supports a Report sub-plugin type.

CAPQuiz report sub-plugins is mainly intended to display custom reports on the quiz data. However, it may also be used to plugin other functionality into the CAPQuiz module.


Theses report sub-plugins have the prefix capquizreport_, and live inside mod/capquiz/report.

A capquiz report plugin just needs to implement one class.

class capquizreport_name_report extends report {
    public function display($capquiz, $cm, $course, $download) {
        // Generate and display the report, or
        // some other functionality.

The base class is defined in mod/capquiz/report/report.php and you just need to implement the display method. This gets called from mod/capquiz/classes/output/report_renderer.php after some basic set-up has been done.

What files make up a CAPQuiz report

    report.php                     - Contains the implementation of the capquiz_name_report class.
    version.php                    - Normal Moodle plugin version.php file.
    lang/en/capquizreport_name.php - Language strings for your plugin.
    db/*                           - Lets you define db tables, capabilities, etc.
  • It is possible to make a working plugin with only the first three of these.
  • The only lang string you need to define is pluginname.


A basic template for capquiz report plugin is available at Github

Naming conventions

Following naming conventions should be kept in mind while writing a CAPQuiz report plugin:

  • Folder name should be same as pluginname, in lowercase.
  • Name of the extended class should be in format \capquizreport_name\report
  • \ capquizreport_name\report must implement the function
function display($capquiz, $cm, $course, $download) {}

When a user view the report

The will go to a URL like https://.../mod/capquiz/view_report.php?id=cmid&mode=name. There may also be additional parameters in the URL if your report contains several internal pages with links between them. The attempts reports is a good example of this.

This leads to a call to the capquizreport_name_report::display($capquiz, $cm, $course, $download) method. You can put whatever code you like in there.

The attempts report classes

There are some useful helper classes in mod/capquiz/report/attemptsreport.php. This is basically some reusable functionality that is used by the attempts report. If you want to make a similar report (with one row for each capquiz attempt) you should probably build on these classes.

There are also useful helper functions in mod/capquiz/report/reportlib.php.