FAQ - KPontes/simple-ether-wallet GitHub Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why I SPW doesn't require to login?
SPW is just a free simple client side interface to the Ethereum blockchain. As so, we do not save any information on backend servers, including login information. Although this policy ensures anonimity, there is a tradeoff as SPW can't provide password or private key recovery in case of loss.

2. Do you have an option for registered users?
Not at the moment, but we intend to develop an optional managed user service, with registration and services like keys recovery.

3. Why SPW generates two files, one encrypted and other plain-text, during wallet creation?
We recommend to use always the "select encrypted file" option during Send Ether operations, as it is password protected. Keep the plain-text file in a cold storage (like a pendrive) for reference your address / private key in case of loss or damage of the encrypted file. Do not forget to make a printout and backup copies of both files, keeping them in a safe storage. NEVER edit those files, as they would get corrupted.

4. Why Ethereum?
We are big fans of Ethereum and decided to start with this token, but there is a plan to add new cryptocurrencies.

5. Is there any transaction fee? What is GAS?
SPW itself does not charge any fee. Although, a small fee called GAS, is charged by the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol, in order to reward the job of miners on the process of approving transactions into the network. Currently SPW sets the Gas limit to 40000 GWei (0.00004 ETH), future releases may allow user customization. There is a good explanation about GAS at: https://steemit.com/ethereum/@tomshwom/ethereum-gas-how-it-works

6. Error trying to transfer my funds total value?
Probably the error is: insufficient funds for gas * price + value Leave some small amount for paying GAS, the Ethereum Blockchain mining fee. Usually something around 0.0001 ETH should be enough.

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