Getting Started - KLIMaka/fdt GitHub Wiki
At first you need to install JRE. Here you can download latest version for windows.
Now you need to install Eclipse platform. You can pick necessary version from here, or just download most standard version. After that just unzip archive in any directory.
Next you should run eclipse.exe
from unzipped folder. After splash screen you will be asked about your working
directory. Here you need to specify a folder that will store all your projects, just select any directory that you like.
When main screen appears select from main menu Help->Install New Software....
In appeared window type in Work with: field
and press enter. Next select
FDT Core item and click next. Keep pressing next button until you see a finish button, then press finish. When you
will be asked about some confirmation just press ok. Restart Eclipse.
After installation and restarting select from main menu Help->Check for Updates. Regular checks makes you sure that you have latest version of the plugin.
Now you need to setup default settings for your projects. Press Window->Preferences, and select Fallout item from left list
I think all fields are self explaining, but several details:
Encoding. If you have localized version of Fallout, then you should pick proper encoding for your textfiles. For
russian translations it is
(Fagrus) andCP1251
(1C). For central-european translations it is (probably)CP1252
. - Fallout directory. Directory with installed Fallout 2.
- SSL Compiler. Path to compiler executable. Currently supported SSLC and sfall modification from Modders pack
- Compiler options. Parameters that will be passed into compiler command line. Depends on actual compiler.
- Preprocessor. Path to preprocessor executable. Currently supported only MCPP
- Preprocessor Options. Option that will be passed into pp command line. Read MCPP doc for details.
- Decompiler. Patch to decompiler executable. Currently supported variations of INT2SSL. Old version can be downloaded here. Latest version that supports sfall opcodes can be found in sfall Modders pack
Now you can create a new project. For that just press Ctrl+N
or File->New->Other.. and select from tree
New Fallout Project Wizard
If default settings was properly defined on previous step then here you need only specify project name and press Finish. After that you can see your new project in Project Explorer View:
Patches. Here you can find all resources from your
config entry. All of those files can be modified. - Resources. Here placed all resources from master.dat and critter.dat. All resources read only but any of them can be extracted to Patches. If you want to extract some resources you need just select them and select from context menu Extract to patches.
- src. Here will be placed all new and decompiled scripts.
- script.lst. Double-clicking on this file activates Script List an Proto editors.