Setting Date and Time on the Device - KL-Psychological-Methodology/TWatch-2020-ESM GitHub Wiki

To properly set date and time on the device you need a device with a working configuration file, as it otherwise will not let you enter the settings screen. You can enter the settings screen by pressing the little gear icon at the top right of the main screen. The active area of this button is intentionally small, to avoid participants acidentally entering the settings. In our experience the button is so small and so far to the edge that on a lot of devices the mismatch in calibration will cause the button to not detect the press right where it is displayed, but a bit to the side. The gear icon will turn red when it detects a press, so when in doubt keep your finger pressed to the screen and move it in the vicinity of the gear icon until it turns red, then let go.

The settings menu has two options: one for setting the time and one for setting the date: The time option will display two rollers for hour and minute, the date option will display a little calendar (which is again a bit finicky, so check afterwards to make sure it selected the right date). Whenever time and day are changed the device will regenerate the timings for notifications on that day. Due to a known bug it will likelk display you one notification when you try to press the sleep button after changing the settings.