Translating ESMira - KL-Psychological-Methodology/ESMira GitHub Wiki

Unfortunately we do not have the resources to maintain ESMira in multiple languages. So we rely on the help from the community to create new translations or fix mistakes in existing translations.

Please be aware that by adding translations to ESMira you acknowledge that you do not "own" these translations and that they can be changed or removed by others and might be reused for in other contexts for this or other projects.

We list contributors for translators at the starting page of the main GitHub project. If you do not want to be listed, please let us know.

You can find our platform for translations here:

Before you can make changes you will have to create an account on our translation platform.

If you run into strings that are unclear or require more context, please do not hesitate to ask in the discussion forum. We will then add explanation (and / or screenshots) to the translation platform. Your question will probably help countless others who had the same question along the way :) .

What is the translation procedure?

New translations are not restricted. Everybody can translate strings without permission. After new translations have been approved, changes can only be suggested. These suggestions will be approved when enough people agree with a suggestion or when selected translators (with extra permissions) approve them.

Do you want to help us approve suggestions for existing translations? We will give selected translators additional permissions to moderate suggestions. Just contact us.

Automatic suggestions

To simplify the process, strings that do not have a translation yet, have suggestions done by an automatic translator (done by DeepL). You can display them by selecting the Automatic suggestions tab below the translations.

Create a new language

Please inform us in the discussion forum, and we will add the desired language to the translation platform.

What needs to be translated?

ESMira has 5 language components that need to be translated:

The web interface:

The Android app:

The about page of ESMira:

The iOS app: Some special strings for iOS:

For general help on how to use Weblate, please visit their documentation: