Study settings - KL-Psychological-Methodology/ESMira GitHub Wiki
Study settings
"Allow participants to write messages": Enables the message-tab for participants. If this option is disabled, ths message tab in the app is hidden, unless they received a message from the researcher. Participants will not be able to write messages to the researcher (also, they will not be able to respond to received messages).
"Freeze study": When this option is enabled, no new data can be saved for this study (including messages). The server will respond with an error to any attempt of sending data for this study to the server. This means, that apps which try to send data to the server, will automatically try again after a couple of hours.
Save event in events.csv
Most events that happen in the app will not be sent to the server. Events, that are enabled in these settings, will create an entry in the events.csv. The events "joined", "questionnaire", "quit" are always be sent to the server.
Delete study
Use these button to delete the study.
Warning: Be aware that when you delete a study, all its data (and backups) will be deleted and cannot be restored!