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Developing ESMira

The ESMira project is split into two different parts: Its smartphone apps (Android and iOS) and the server.

Smartphone apps

The smartphone apps can be divided into three parts:

  • The native Android app, written in Kotlin, which mainly comprises the UI.
  • The native iOS app, written in SwiftUI, which mainly comprises the UI.
  • A sharedCode library created with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile ( that is included in both the Android and iOS app and contains the main codebase.


  • Android Studio, for developing the Android app and compiling the sharedCode library for Android and iOS.
  • Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Plugin for Android Studio (only for the iOS app).
  • Xcode for developing the iOS app.

Note: Apple made sure that it is extremely difficult to develop iOS apps on any other operating system than a Mac. If you use Windows or Linux, you will only be able to test the Android app and sharedCode but not the iOS app.

Getting started

  1. Download and install Android Studio from (you also need it, if you only want to test the iOS app).

  2. (Only needed for iOS) Start Android Studio. In the welcome screen select Configure>Plugins. Then select the Marketplace tab, type "Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile" into the search field and install the plugin.

  3. (Only needed for iOS) Install Xcode from the App store of your Mac.

  4. Clone the project from

  5. For Android: Open the project that is located in ESMira-apps/androidApp.

  6. For iOS: Open the project that is located in ESMira-apps/iosApp.


In the ESMira-apps folder there are three sub folders:

  • androidApp: This is the Android app. Open this folder with Android Studio. It mainly includes code for the UI.
  • iosApp: This the iOS app. Open this folder with Xcode. It mainly includes code for the UI.
  • sharedCode: This is a shared library which is used in both the Android and iOS app. Most logic and the heavy lifting are done by this library.

Making changes to the sharedCode library

If you are not doing purely decorative changes, you will most likely have to make changes to the sharedCode which is used by both Android and iOS. The sharedCode library is compiled via gradle and included into the Android project which means it is easiest if you open the Android app with Android Studio.

The sharedCode has three sub-modules:

  • commonMain: This is where most of the magic happens. You also find a file called common.kt. Some functions or classes are used in commonMain but need to be implemented differently on iOS and Android. These are marked with an expect modifier. Their actual implementation can be found in androidMain and iosMain (more information).
  • androidMain: The actual implementation of expect functions / classes for Android (more information).
  • iosMain: The actual implementation of expect functions / classes for iOS (more information).

Note: Android Studio has problems showing all modules of multiplatform projects correctly. The folder "androidMain" is not listed for the module "sharedCode" in the "Android" view of the left pane. Use the "Project" view instead.

The server

The server consists of:

  • A frontend, written in TypeScript which is generated into JavaScript by (webpack []) a npm plugin.
  • A backend written in PHP.

ESMira does not use an external database. All data is saved into a folder called esmira_data and can be found in the dist folder.

TLDR (summary)

Install the server:

  1. Create esmira/docker-compose-dev.yml
  2. Run npm install

Run the server:

  1. Apache server: docker compose -f ./esmira/docker-compose-dev.yml up
  2. ESMira: npm run dev
  3. Open http://localhost/ in your browser.


  • Node.Js, which comes with npm and is used to build the project.
  • A webserver with PHP:
    • (easiest) Either an apache web server via Docker
    • or any web server with PHP (e.g. XAMPP on Windows).

Getting started

  1. Download and install Node.js from
  2. Clone the project from to a folder called ESMira-web (or anything you want).

Create the docker compose file for the web server:

(Skip this step if you are using your own web server)

  1. In the git directory (ESMira-web) create a subfolder called esmira
  2. Download docker-compose-dev.yml and save it to esmira/docker-compose-dev.yml:

Note: This docker compose file is very similar to the official one, except that it builds via the local Dockerfile instead of using a prebuilt image and also uses the local dist folder for its web folder to make sure the ESMira files can be changed on the fly.

Run the web server:

(Skip this step if you are using your own web server)

Open a terminal, cd to your git directory (ESMira-web) and run: docker compose -f ./esmira/docker-compose-dev.yml up

Note: Make sure the Docker service has been started on your system. Otherwise, you will get an error error during connect

Build and run ESMira

  1. To download all necessary dependencies open a terminal, cd to your git directory (ESMira-web) and run npm install. This might take a while, depending on your internet connection (you will have to run this command again when project dependencies change).

  2. When it is done, run npm run dev. This will build everything into the dist folder. The process will keep running and will automatically rebuild the project as soon as something changes in the src folder.

Note: If you want to build for production, run npm run prod instead.

  1. In your browser, test your ESMira instance by entering the url http://localhost/ (the url might be different depending on your server setup).


The ESMira-web folder has the following sub-folders:

  • build_configs: All configurations for the build process are in there.
  • dist: This is where the web application will be built to. Do not make changes in here as they will be automatically overwritten.
  • src: The actual source files. The files in here will be built by running npm run dev. Changes have to be done in this folder.

Good to know

Developer mode

You can enable the developer mode in the ESMira app to get access to some additional features. To enable it, tap the gear icon at the top right of the starting screen. Then select "About ESMira". In the following screen tap the ESMira icon 10 times until a dialog shows up that asks for a password. There, you enter "Jaynestown" and press OK.

To disable developer mode, press the ESMira icon 10 times again.

This will change the transmitted app_type to XXX_dev (or, if disabled again, XXX_wasDev).