Team Contract - KHenkel95/lil-library GitHub Wiki
**Team Contract **
February 5th, 2020
Project Name: Library Builder
Members Igor Maslov, Ibrahim Farooq, Kenneth Henkel, Abyana Fardeena, Farin Habib, Shawn Ali, Arna Sadia
Code of Conduct: As a project team, we will:
* Complete the project with commitment and great efficiency
* Be present and engaged
* Use consensus for team decisions
Participation: We will:
* Split the problems among the team
* Use GitHub to collaborate with the project
* Actively participate in meetings on a weekly basis and update each other on the progress
Communication: We will:
* Create a group chat in WhatsApp to be able to communicate at any point of the day
* Create a shared repository on GitHub to stay up to date with the code our team creates.
* We will use Microsoft Office to share input and create guideline documents
Problem Solving: We will:
* Investigate every problem that comes up to find the root of every issue
* Debug any issues with the program
* Test the program so it runs according to the requirements
Meeting Guidelines: We will:
* We will create a system vision document to understand the priorities of our project and solve each problem by the level of its priority.
*We will work around guidelines making sure every guideline is met as we develop our project.
* Be proactive with our deadlines so we don’t have to make any last-minute changes.
* Every meeting we will update each other on where we are on our respective components.