Expired To Be: Release Notes and Version History - KDCinfo/expired-to-be GitHub Wiki

Expired To Be: Release Notes and Version History


  • Initial Release.


  • Added link to Chrome Store. Filled in outer edge with orange to better complement the outer border.


  • Added a 'confirm' to 'Clear All' button. Also zeroed out form on clear all. Pertinent Chrome Store files updated.


  • Issue resolved. Decorative Unicode character replaced with CSS border-left: 5px;


  • Will begin patch-level updates when applicable from here on out (although this particular version does warrant a minor version increment).

  • Changed font. (Discovered iPad (iOS?) fell back to a near illegible cursive font.)

  • Implemented 'Export' feature. Will save as a JSON file or open in a new tab (depending on your system).

  • Implemented 'Import' feature (includes a progress bar, error handling, and sample JSON data).

  • Added both those features with the 'Clear All' and implemented a List Options pop-up menu in the footer.

  • Major code refactor with storage (created x2bStorage) and alarms: Prepped for integration of Notifications and a custom alarms interface.

  • Created Functional Diagram for visual representation of storage and alarms (notifications).

  • Finished Happy Paths file.

  • Got entire app to work standalone, on any browser -- There just aren't any alarms or notifications to let you know when an item's expiration lead time has matured. And, it's not hosted anywhere... yet (will be going through GitHub pages and Travis CLI with ver 1.5).


  • Padded 'day' for proper date input field compatibility.


  • Run Expired To Be in any browser as a Web App (in lieu of installing the Chrome extension).

The Web App version of X2B provides for opt-in browser-level Notifications, or just visit the web app page regularly to check on your expirations. It also includes a custom Alarms interface. The code that runs the Chrome Extension is injected directly into the Web App and is the underlying face and brains of the Web App (2 apps; 1 source code).


  • Fixed error on initial page load with an active expired item.


  • Fixed issue with 'reset' button allowing for more than 10 weeks.
  • Added GA tag.


  • Fixed issue with messages (e.g., preference update messages) being overwritten by expired items message.
  • Made a few relative path adjustments in README.md.


  • Added sorting (6 in all).
    • 3 sortable columns (title; date; days remaining).
    • Ascending and Descending; each sortable column.


  • Fixed low-level vulnerabilities with open-source dependencies.


  • Added automated UI testing using TestCafe.
    • Lead times.
    • Importing.
    • Clearing all items.
    • Sorting.


  • Added 'Replacement Date' feature (optional).

This is for when you have a backup on hand (such as an overlapping spare butter; gotta have spare butter).


  • Aesthetic adjustment.


  • Fixed import error.



  • Converted expired items listing from an HTML <table> to <div>s.
  • Instead of scrolling the entire screen when the list fills up, scrolling is now isolated to just the expired item list (below the sortable list headings).
  • Updated favicons to accommodate the browser's dark themed bar.
  • Added FAQ / Help.


  • Aesthetic fix for new FAQ slide-up modal when list is empty.


  • Placed and prettied fill-in copy for empty list.
  • Adjusted 'Import Items' placeholder copy so it is more informative, and which now also helps to visually see when the 'Click for 2 examples' link is clicked and the textarea entry field is populated with actual samples.
  • Converted all HTML IDs from kebab-case to PascalCase based on research I did for my recent JavaScript Informational article.

HTML ID attributes should avoid using kebab-case, and instead use either camelCase or PascalCase. After many years of seeing differently, this took some major thought adjustment, but my IDs from here-on-out will be PascalCase (aka, TitleCase).

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