Useful edits to EDF 5 game executable - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki
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Bugfix to mission list error
Souzooka: OK, if I isolated the right bug and it's the only thing wrong with invalid mission IDs, then this should be a potential fix
Replace 37 bytes at EDF5.exe+65260 (0x64660) with 44 8B 52 F8 44 39 D1 72 04 48 31 C0 C3 67 48 8D 0C 49 48 8D 04 8A 48 63 48 08 48 01 C1 48 63 41 08 48 01 C8 C3
; load SGO string table length
mov r10d, [rdx-8]
cmp ecx, r10d
jb L
; return NULL if index out of range
xor rax, rax
; load string ourselves and return (logic from orig fn)
lea rcx, [ecx+ecx*2]
lea rax, [rdx+rcx*4]
movsxd rcx, dword ptr [rax+8]
add rcx, rax
movsxd rax, dword ptr [rcx+8]
add rax, rcx
Replace 22 bytes at EDF5.exe+556297 (0x555697) with 41 8B CC E8 C1 EF B0 FF 48 85 C0 74 19 90 90 90 90 90 90 4C 8B C0
mov ecx, r12d
call ssao_enable
test rax, rax
jz EDF5.exe+5562bd ; Display missing content message instead
nop 6
mov r8, rax
this bricks enable_ssao, the debug console command, you know if you ever even got that working You could potentially replace any function though, just move where the first block of code is located and change the function call, E8 C1 EF B0 FF, in the second block