SGO Node Documentation - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

Documentation of various SGO nodes.

See Also

Object Classes


Special Types
WeaponList Node

Special Types

Sound Parameters

Size: 6

Type Description Behaviour
int Loop 0 or 1, whether it is a loop
string Sound Name Name of the sound that will play
float Volume(?) Relative to a baseline of 1
float Adjustment(?) Seems to adjust main sound hz, old: Lower values are deeper and louder
float Adjustment(?) Seems to adjust background sound hz
float Range The sound can only be heard within the sound range.

Colour Parameters

Size: 4``

Type Description Behaviour
float Red Red value of colour
float Green Green value of colour
float Blue Blue value of colour
float Alpha Opacity

Vector 3

Size: 3

Type Description Behaviour
float X X offset
float Y Y offset
float Z Z offset

Star Rating Parameters

Click Here for Star Formula

Sub Projectile

Note: This one is valid for EDF 5 Bombing runs Todo: Compare with other subprojectile nodes and determine if they are the same. Size:

Type Description Behaviour
struct Unknown Unknown
struct Unknown Unknown
Int Num Subprojectiles Number of emitted projectiles
int Delay between bullets Delay in frames between each emitted projectile
string AmmoClass Defines class of projectile to emit.
float AmmoSpeed Speed of emitted projectile
float AmmoGravity Controls how quickly the emitted projectile will fall.
float Subprojectile Scale Size of the emitted projectile.
float Unknown Unknown
float Subprojectile Explosive Radius Radius ( In meters ) of the emitted projectile explosion.
int Subprojectile Lifetime Life, in frames, of the emitted projectile.
int Unknown Unknown
Colour SubProjectile Colour The colour of the projectile emitted
Struct Ammo_Customparameter Ammo_Customparameter of the emitted projectile
String? Projectile model? Can also be an int with a value of 0
Int Unknown Unknown
Int Unknown Unknown
Sound? Unknown Unknown
Sound? Unknown Unknown

Sub Projectile Struct 1


Type Description Behaviour
struct Fire angle, use radians float0 is vertical angle, float1 is horizontal angle.
struct Firepoint offset float0 is distance from firepoint, float1 is firepoint height.
Int = AmmoCount Total shot count
int = FireInterval Interval between shots
string = AmmoClass Type of ammo
float = AmmoSpeed
float = AmmoGravityFactor
float = AmmoSize
float = AmmoHitSizeAdjust Adjust ammo's hitbox
float = AmmoExplosion
int = AmmoAlive
int = AmmoIsPenetration 0 or 1, 1 is penetrate.
struct = AmmoColor Colour
Struct = Ammo_CustomParameter
String or Int = AmmoModel Some kinds of ammo require a model, otherwise 0.
Int Unknown
Int Unknown
struct = FireSe null or Sound, Int is 0 can work.
struct = AmmoHitSe Sound, Int is 0 can work.

Summon customparameters

Size: 4

Type Description Behaviour
String Transporter Object Path to object SGO of the transporter to use
String Transporter Box Object Path to object SGO of the transporter box to use
String Summoned Vehicle Path to the SGO for the object to summon
Object configuration Object Configuration Tweaks values of summoned object

Object configuration

6 structs configuring the vehicle:

Size: 2

Type Description Behaviour
Float HP Scale Scales HP
Float Weapon Damage Scale Scales weapon damage

Size: 4

Type Description Behaviour
Float Movement Speed (Forward/Backward) forward and backward speed (10 recommended)
Float Acceleration/Momentum
Float Turning Speed leg turning speed left/right turn speed (100 for full body turning)
Float Twist Speed(Turning Acceleration?) torso twist speed

Size: 6

Type Description Behaviour
Float Gravity ?
Float Max Speed ?
Float Breaks How fast do you want it to stop, float on 1 to stop on a dime
Float ? ?
Float Body Turning Speed ?
Float Acceleration ?

Helicopters Size: 6

Type Description Behaviour
Float Horizontal Max Speed Controls how fast you move horizontally
Float Horizontal Acceleration Higher Values = quicker acceleration. Too high makes it hard to aim.
Float Horizontal Turning Speed Values too high cause over-rotation
Float Also Turning Speed? Increases responsiveness for turning. Higher values cause uncontrollable spinning.
Float Takeoff Speed Set to 0 makes it impossible to fly. Negative values make the helicopter impossible to fly
Float Max Horizontal Tilt Angle Controls the maximum angle the helicopter can tilt forward.
Float ? ?

Size: 6

Type Description Behaviour
Float Jump Speed jump height/distance/speed
Float Jump Charge? time it takes to begin jump. Higher the number the better, too high fucks up jump. 4 seems good.
Float Unknown Unknown
Int Boost Life Time(In frames) the boosters are allowed to run
Float Flight Speed Speed of vertical ascent while boosting
Int Boost Delay Time (In frames) to wait before firing boosters while jumping

Depth Crawler Handling
Size: 7

Type Description Behaviour
Float Move Speed Walking Speed
Float Turning Speed How fast your turning speed. 0.1 Seems good balance
Float Jump Delay/Animation Speed Higher value means faster jump and less delay
Float Jump Distance Speed Higher value means faster jumping speed in the air
Float Jump Height Higher value means higher jump
Int Unknown Unknown
Float Sidestep delay/animation speed Higher value means less delay

Size: 1

Type Description Behaviour
struct Unknown(Size of 3, all floats)

Equiped Weapons
Size: 8

Type Description Behaviour
Weapon Settings Weapon 1
Weapon Settings Weapon 2
Weapon Settings Weapon 3
Weapon Settings Weapon 4
Weapon Settings Weapon 5
Weapon Settings Weapon 6
Weapon Settings Weapon 7
Weapon Settings Weapon 8

Size: 2

Type Description Behaviour
Float Unknown Unknown
Float Unknown Unknown


Controls how a bullet will behave.


BombBullet01 & BombBullet02

NOTE: 4.1 behaviour, may be different in 5. BombBullet 02 comprises Limpet guns, BombBullet01 comprises roombas, c bombs, etc

Type Description Behaviour
Int IsMobile Determines if this bomb is mobile (Patroller, roomba-bomb, ect)
Int IsDetector Determines if this bomb utilises enemy detection to detonate
Float Unknown Unknown
Int PrimerDelay Time the bomb will wait before priming?
Int Unknown Unknown
Vector3 LEDPosition Position of glow effect
Int ExplosionType Type of explosion to use. Options: Explosion/Flechettes/Flare(?)
struct Splendor Parameters Parameters for splendor type explosion
struct Size 4, Unknown Unknown

Splendor Parameters

size: 7

Type Description Behaviour
Struct (3) Spread 3 floats: H. Spread, V. Spread, V. Offset
Float Search Range?
Int FlechetteCount
Int FlechetteLifetime
Float FlechetteSpeed
Float FlechetteSize
Struct Size 1, single int. Unknown



Type Description Behaviour
float Momentum Conservation A value of 1 will cause the initial projectile to move forward for its lifetime, a low value stops it faster
float Projectile Spread? Seems to control the spread of emitted bullets
float Subprojectile Accuracy Governs the accuracy of emitted subprojectiles. A lower value gives higher accuracy.
int Subprojectile Direction Governs the direction at which subprojectiles are shot. 0 - down, 1 - up, 2 - forward, 3 - forward and up, 4(+) - right
struct Homing Properties Struct? Seems to control homing properties
Sub Projectile Subbullet definition? Controls sub bullets

Homing Properties struct:

Size: 2

Type Description Behaviour
int Enabled 0 - homing disabled, 1 - homing enabled
float Homing lockon radius A higher number gives a higher lock-on radius


Size: 8

Type Description Behaviour
Int Unknown
Float Flame Size flame gets larger with higher positive values
Float Unknown
Int Unknown
--- --- ---
Float Negative Flame Size Unsure, flame gets larger with higher positive values, does NOT control minimum flame size
Float Unknown Makes flame redder with lower value?
Float Unknown
Float Unknown


Size: 7

Type Description Behaviour
Int Explosion Type 1:Timed Explosion, 2:Impact Explosion
Float Unknown ?
Float Unknown ?
Float Grenade Behaviour Lower value sticky, Higher value bouncy
Float Smoke Trail Noise Higher value more noise
Int Smoke Trail Lifetime How long smoke trail exist
Int Explosion Delay For each grenade if more than 1 grenade / shot


NOTE 4.1 behaviour. 5 May have changed it slightly.
Size: 9

Type Description Behaviour
Int Unknown 6: 0 - No homing, 1 - Angular homing path, 2 - Smoothed homing path
Int Unknown
Int Trail Length Length of the laser "trail"
Float Unknown 6: Acceleration rate
Float Unknown 6: Turning rate
Float Speed Scale? 6: Top speed
Int Homing Delay
Int Unknown 6: Value above 0 disables retargeting
Float Unknown 6: Bullet hit vfx duration


NOTE 4.1 behaviour. 5 May have changed it slightly.
Size: 11

Type Description Behaviour
Colour Laser Flare Colour The colour of the laser impact "Flare"
Colour Flare light colour The colour of the impact flare light
Float Flare Scale Scale of the impact flare
Float Flare Light Scale Scale of the impact flare light
Int Flare Lifetime Time, in frames, the impact flare will live for
Int Number of Impact lasers Amount of lasers that shoot off the impact point
Float Unknown Unknown
Float Unknown Unknown
Float Impact Laser Spread Controls how much spread the impact lasers have
Float Impact Laser Speed Controls how far the impact lasers travel
Int Impact Laser Segments How curved the impact lasers can be


Size: 1

Type Description Behaviour
int Controls laser type 0: Simple laser effect, 1: Pulse laser, 2: EDF4 Mothership Genocide Gun beam


NOTE 4.1 behaviour. 5 May have changed it slightly.
Size: 5

Type Description Behaviour
Float Initial Noise
Float Random Velocity How much the bolt's path will move randomly
Float Curve Noise How much the bolt will curve on itself
Float Bounce Factor How much to modify the bolt's speed after bouncing
Int Modifier Appears to scale the bolt's iterations per frame. Higher values = faster bolt with more jaggedness


NOTE 4.1 behaviour. 5 May have changed it slightly.

Type Description Behaviour
Int Missile Type? 0 cannot be guided. 1 and 2 have different FX.
Int 5 may be used for laser guidance 0 or 1
Int Tail smoke length
Struct Seems to be the tail flame position Vector
Float Acceleration Rate
Float Turning Rate
Float Top Speed
Struct Ignition delay int0 is delay, float1 is unknown.
Int Unable to guide time
Int Unknown
Struct Speed delta null or. float0 and float1.
Struct Ignition sound null or. Sound


NOTE 4.1 behaviour. 5 May have changed it slightly.

Type Description Behaviour
Int Missile Type? 0 cannot be guided. 1 and 2 have different FX.
Int 5 may be used for laser guidance 0 or 1
Int Tail smoke length
Struct Seems to be the tail flame position Vector
Float Acceleration Rate
Float Turning Rate
Float Top Speed
Struct Ignition delay int0 is delay, float1 is unknown.
Int Unable to guide time
Struct Submunition launch method see below
Struct Launch direction see below
Sub Projectile Structure Sub projectile parameters

Submunition launch method

Type Description Behaviour
Int trigger type 0 is distance, 1 is time
Float or Int determined by the previous when int0 is 0, it is distance to target. when int0 is 1, it is how long after ignition.
Float Only int0 is 0 should be 1

Launch direction

Type Description Behaviour
Int launch direction 0 is move direction, 1 is Down, 2 is Up
Float Min hit point Minimum hit radius of ammo.
Float Max hit point Maximum hit radius of ammo.



Type Description Behaviour
Int ?? ??
struct Spread? Seems to control "spread" of subprojectiles
Float Trail Noise How much "Noise" the smoke trail has
Int Trail lifetime? How long the trail lasts?
struct Napalm Emitter Parameters The parameters of the napalm emitter itself.
Sound Napalm Sound Effect The sound to play during emission



Type Description Behaviour
Int Explosion FX type 0, 1, 2. 2 is the genocide explosion.
Int Tail flame length
Int Tail smoke length
Float Acceleration Can only be used as acceleration, not as deceleration.


NOTE 4.1 behaviour. 5 May have changed it slightly.

Type Description Behaviour
Int Friendly Fire 0-Disabled 1-Enabled (In 5, dunno about 4.1)
Float Range
Float Turning Speed
String Bone to fire from?
Vector 3 Bullet Offset Relative to the muzzle
String Projectile Type
Int Turret Ammo
Int Rate of fire
Int Projectile life?
Float Projectile Speed
Float Projectile Scale
Ammo_Customparameters Projectile Custom Parameters
Sound Shoot sound
String Muzzleflash Type
Structure Muzzleflash Parameters


Size: 6

Type Description Behaviour
Int Delay Delay between marker impact and air raid projectile launch
Ptr Air Raid Settings (See below) Configures the projectiles launched
Ptr Voices? List of strings, likely voice lines related to the weapon

Air Raid Settings for SmokeCandleBullet02

Type Description Behaviour
Ptr Firing Angle? Float 1 controls firing angle.
Ptr Fire Origin Float 1 controls height of shot in meters. Float 2 also seems to be related to firing angle?
Int Projectile Count Number of shots
Int Projectile Delay Delay between bullets
String AmmoClass Class of bullet to fire
Float AmmoSpeed Speed of bullet (in meters per frame)
Float AmmoGravity Effect of gravity on bullet. Effects firing arc.
Float AmmoScale Size of projectile
Float Possibly hit impulse
Float AmmoExplosion Size of explosive radius
Int AmmoAlive Lifetime of projectile in frames
Int? Unknown Possibly AmmoModel?
Colour AmmoColour Colour of projectile
Ptr Ammo_CustomParameter Ammo_CustomParameter of projectile
Sound Fire Sound
Sound Impact Sound
Int Firing Style Firing Style, absent or 0 is normal, 1 is shotgun


Size: 9

Type Description Behaviour
Float Curve Controls how curved the barrier is (default 2.5)
Float Width Controls the width of the projected barrier
Float Height Controls the height of the projected barrier
Float Width(?) Affects the width of the barrier
Float Height(?) Affects the height of the barrier
Float Unknown
Float X Offset Offsets the barrier along the X axis (left to right)
Float Y Offset Offsets the barrier along the Y axis (up or down)
Float Z Offset Offsets the barrier along the Z axis (forward and backward)


Size: 1

Type Description Behaviour
int Controls bullet type 0: Normal, 1: Bouncy projectile


Size: 1

Type Description Behaviour
int Regulates ammo penetration distance Number of frames (-1) that the bullet penetrates the target if AmmoIsPenetration is set to 1. A value of 2, for instance, results in the bullets penetrating for the first 3 frames of its lifespan, with a penetration distance of (1+2)*AmmoSpeed


Size: 2

Type Name Description
int Buff type 0: Health, 1: Wing Diver Energy (still possible in 5), 2: Defense, 3: Power
Vector3 Buff Stream Offset Relative to model origin


Size: 3

Type Name Description
float Lock-on Speed Lock-on speed modifier
float Lock-on Distance Lock-on distance modifier
int Multi-Lock Capability Allows for multiple locks on one beacon. 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled. TO DO: Test leviathan and other guide only missiles while set to 0.


Size: 1

Type Name Description
Sound Additional Hit Effect A third sound that plays for every target hit.


Note: This weapon technically has no AmmoClass, but its functionality is handled by Ammo_Customparameter!
Size: 4

Type Description Behaviour
Int ? Likely depreciated (Relic of 4.1)
Int ? Likely depreciated (Relic of 4.1)
Bombing Run Parameters Bombing Run Parameters Structure containing the bombing run's parameters, controls the bombing run.
Struct ? Likely controls voice lines when run starts

Bombing Run Parameters

Size: 11

Type Description Behaviour
String Bomber Type Object to load that will perform the bombing run, as a path to an SGO.
Int Number of bombers per run How many planes will perform the run.
Int Delay between aircraft Delay, in frames, between each aircraft's run.
Float Altitude of aircraft The height, relative to the bombing position, that each aircraft should fly at
Float Speed of aircraft Speed the aircraft should be traveling at
Float ?
Float ?
Float Angle Offset? Seems to change the starting direction when aiming the strike
Int Distribution type 0:Linear, 1: Radial, 2:On same line(?)
Struct ?
Subprojectile Subprojectile Node Contains the parameters for the bomber's "Bombs"


Used by weapons to describe certain parameters:



Size: 4~5

Type Description Behaviour
String Recoil Animation Defines the player animation to play when recoiling.
Int? Unknown
Int Animation lock If 1, the weapon will lock the player in to an animation, see Fang type sniper weapons.
Float Unknown ?
ptr Optional Extra? if given a ptr containing an int value of 1, enables laser sight


Size: 7

Type Description Behaviour
String Recoil Animation Defines the player animation to play when recoiling.
Int? Unknown
Int Animation lock If 1, the weapon will lock the player in to an animation, see Fang type sniper weapons.
Float Unknown ?
Float Unknown ?
Float Unknown ?
Float Unknown ?
Int ChargeFlags flags that control charge behaviour, 2: scales damage, 4: ???, 8: prevents the weapon from being used until fully charged, 16: scales the number of projectiles fired, 32: scales projectile speed, 64: ???, 128: scales accuracy, 256: also scale accuracy?, 512: ???


Size: 7

Type Description Behaviour
String Recoil Animation Defines the player animation to play when recoiling.
Int? Unknown
Int Animation lock If 1, the weapon will lock the player in to an animation, see Fang type sniper weapons.
Float Unknown ?
Float Charge Scale Parameter? Controls the intensity of the effect current charge has over the modified stats
Float Recoil Impulse The amount of force applied to the user of the weapon
Int ChargeFlags flags that control charge behaviour, 2: scales damage, 4: Projectile size and range?, 8: ???, 16: scales the number of projectiles fired, 32: scales projectile speed, 64: ???, 128: scales accuracy, 256: also scale accuracy?, 512: ???
Float Unknown At 1 it prevents decay, at 2 it makes the modified stat greater at lower charge levels


Size: 9

Type Description Behaviour
String Recoil Animation Defines the player animation to play when recoiling.
Int? Unknown
Int Animation lock If 1, the weapon will lock the player in to an animation, see Fang type sniper weapons.
Float Unknown ?
ptr Recoil The first value of this ptr controls recoil. It's likely all parts of this control it to some degree.
Float Unknown ?
Float Unknown ?
Int Spool up time Time, in frames, it takes for the weapon to spin up and begin firing.
Sound Spin sound Sound effect to play while spinning up

Accessory Parameters

Each parameter is a small structure added to the customparameter structure, with an integer "id":

ID Type Description/Behavour
0 float Amount healed bonus, used by relief assistance equipment ( Heal items obtained: 2 = 100%, 1.25 = 25% ect )
1 float Pickup circle modifier. 100% is assumed, supplied values multiply this value and when applied the circle becomes always active
2 float Speed Reduction when being hit modifier, float value of 0.00 gives the best result of 0%
3 float Shield Durability Multiplier
4 ? ?
5 float Shield consumption modifier
6 float Damage Reduction Rate, 100 for no damage to be applied to the player
7 float Knockback Reduction Rate modifier
8 ? ?
9 float Recoil Reduction, float value of 0.00 gives the best result of 0%
10 float Equipment Weight impact on speed, acceleration(confirmation?)
11 float Equipment Weight impact on rotation speed, float value of 0.00 gives the best result of 0%
12 int Enables multi-lock for lock on weapons, should have a value of 1 to enable
13 float Lock on speed multiplier.
14 int Blast wave knockdown immunity.
15 float Walk/run speed modifier.
16 float Lock on range modifier.
17 float Shield Defense Angle, a value of 1 seems to give you the 'best' protection,
100 float Dash speed (Ranger) modifier.
101 float "Swirl Speed" modifier.
102 float Dash acceleration modifier.
103 int Speed Reduction During Dash (being hit) (a value of 1 seems to give you the 'best' protection, being 0% in the GUI)
104 float Obstacle Destruction during dash setting.
200 float Has 3 float values for its multipliers (Sideward, Forward, Backwards) Boost
201 float Dash Cost, IF value is 0 has no cost, 1 is about 2% of the tank's energy
202 float Affects directional control during gliding or flying, lower values reduce directional control
203 float Flight speed control, 0 results in little movement
204 float How high you can go, 0 not that high
205 float Flight energy cost, 0 has no cost
206 float Weapon Charge Speed
207 ? ?
208 float Passive Energy regeneration rate, 0 has no recharge
209 float Emergency Energy regeneration rate
210 float Unknow but is set at 4 on only the Big Bang Cores
300 int Consecutive Dashes
301 int Dash interval,
302 int Consecutive Boosts
303 ? ?
304 ? ?
305 float Horizontal Boost speed
500 float Walk speed modifier. FOR FENCER

WeaponList node

Used by weaponlist.sgo

Type Description Behavior
String Internal Name Weapons internal name, doesn't seem to be used
String SGO File path Path to the weapon sgo to load
Int Category Category and Class this weapon belongs to. Refer to Weapon Categories
Float Drop rate How rare this weapon is
Float Weapon Level Weapon's level, determined by (level = value*25), level 4.0 = level 100
Int Unlock Type Method of unlocking. 0: Drops normally, 1: Given on new savegame, 3: Given as DLC
Structure Unknown Probably related to star values

Weapon SGO

Documentation of a weapon SGO (Note: For EDF 5. 4.1 shares most of this)
TODO: Document everything

Node Name Description
AimAnimation Name of the animation used while aiming
AmmoAlive How long the bullet should exist for, in frames.
AmmoClass Name of the bullet to use
AmmoColor Colour of the bullet
AmmoCount Maximum ammo for the weapon's clip
AmmoDamage Damage value of bullet
AmmoDamageReduce Damage falloff configuration
AmmoExplosion Explosive radius of bullet
AmmoGravityFactor Gravity value applied to bullet
AmmoHitImpulseAdjust Hit "force", how much it can knock physical objects away
AmmoHitSe Sound effect of bullet impact
AmmoHitSizeAdjust Adjusts projectile hitbox. (and hit effect size)
AmmoIsPenetration Boolean value that determines if the projectile can pierce enemies.
AmmoModel Path to the model the bullet should use. Not always needed
AmmoOwnerMove Scale of velocity to inherit from the player
AmmoSize Size of projectile
AmmoSpeed How fast the bullet travels
Ammo_CustomParameter Further configures bullet based on its class
Ammo_EquipVoice Voice line to play when equipping. Used by Air Raids
AngleAdjust Adjusts angles of weapon model?
BaseAnimation Name of the animation used when idle
ChangeAnimation Name of the animation used when swapping in/out
EnergyChargeRequire How much wing diver energy this weapon uses to reload
ExtPrams Used by fencer's Swing Speed or Charge Speed.
FireAccuracy Inaccuracy of weapon possibly in radians, 0 being perfect.
FireBurstCount How many shots in a burst.
FireBurstInterval Interval between shots in a burst
FireCondition Unknown?
FireCount Amount of projectiles per shot
FireInterval Fire rate. Amount of frames it takes to fire again
FireSe Sound effect used by the weapon
FireSpreadType Type of spread: 0 - No pattern, 1 - Wide horizontal spread, 2 - Narrow horizontal spread, 3 - Broad vertical spread, 4 - Narrow vertical spread
FireSpreadWidth Width of spread
FireType An int. Most weapons are set to 0, but hand grenades and Wing Diver special weapons are set to 1.
FireVector Vector of firing
LockonAngle Determines the size of the lock-on square
LockonRange Range of target lock ability
LockonTargetType Type of lock on targeting to use
MuzzleFlash Type of muzzle flash to use
MuzzleFlash_CustomParameter Parameters of muzzle flash
ReloadAnimation Name of the animation used when reloading
ReloadInit Controls how much the weapon will be loaded at the start of a mission. 1 is fully loaded.
ReloadTime Time, in frames, it takes to reload
ReloadType Type of reload. 0:Normal, 1:Wing diver style, 2:Credits
SecondaryFire_Parameter parameter of secondary fire, e.g. Zoom value
SecondaryFire_Type Type of secondary fire. 0:None, 1:Zoom, 2:Trigger
ShellCase Parameters defining ejected shell casings
WeaponIcon Path of weapon icon dss.
animation_model Weapon's model
custom_parameter Configures weapon class
name. Name of weapon
resource Resources used by weapon. Not 100% needed by observation
use_underground Weapon can be used underground?
xgs_scene_object_class Classname of weapon.


Size: 10

Type Description Behaviour
Float Tilt/Steering resistance? When set to 1 it becomes impossible to fall off, when set to 0 you cannot steer
Float Maximum Steering Angle At 0 cannot steer, 70 default
Float Driving steering pushback When set to a negative value of 15 inverts steering direction while driving, otherwise makes steering more/less difficult
Float unknown unknown
Float Steering animation speed higher number = faster turning initiation
Float Roll speed again? unknown
Float unknown unknown
Float unknown unknown
Float unknown unknown
Float unknown unknown

game_object_camera_settings node

Size: 4

Type Description Behaviour
Struct Orientation 1
Struct Orientation 2
Float Unknown
Float Follow Speed

  • xgs_scene_object_class : Weapon_ImpactHammer
  • custom_parameter :
  • int : time to charge
  • string : animation name
  • float : animation speed multiplier
  • float : damage multiplier
  • float : ammo size multiplier
  • float : Ammo time to live multiplier
  • string : Ammo Class name

zonbi711 note


Ammo[0] 星5値
Ammo[1] ?→data display type
Ammo[2] ?→savedata position
Ammo[3] ★の星値(5以上?)&存在する星の数-1
Ammo[4] 星0での悪化割合 減少で悪化なら[0]に-、増加で悪化なら[0]に+する
Ammo[5] 星変動係数
AmmoDamageReduce[0] 最低威力割合 1.0なら減衰なし
AmmoDamageReduce[1] 減衰係数

AmmoAlive 弾丸寿命
AmmoCount 弾数
AmmoDamage ダメージ
AmmoExplosion 爆破範囲
AmmoSpeed 弾速
ReloadTime リロード
FireCount 同時発射数
FireInterval 連射速度
ExtPrams 振り速度?
FireAccuracy 精度

LockonAngle ロック範囲? ではなさそう
LockonFailedTime 途中でロックが外れたときの猶予?
LockonHoldTime ロック後の保持時間?
LockonRange ロック距離
LockonTime ロック時間

game_object_drop_item ドロップアイテム数

モンスーンM3 B- 0.07
ゴリアスZD A 0.01

プロミM1 ロック距離 星0悪化0.6 係数0.9
プロミM1 ロック時間 星0悪化0.9 係数1.5 570 300


  "type": "float",
  "name": "AmmoSpeed",
  "value": 0.20000000298023224 //点火前弾速
  "type": "ptr",
  "name": "Ammo_CustomParameter",
  "value": [
      "type": "int",
      "value": 0
      "type": "int",
      "value": 1
      "type": "int",
      "value": 100
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0
          "type": "float",
          "value": -0.05000000074505806
      "type": "float",
      "value": 0.07999999821186066 //点火後の加速度
      "type": "float",
      "value": 0
      "type": "float",
      "value": 8 //点火後の最高速度
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "int",
          "value": 15 //点火までの時間
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.949999988079071
      "type": "int",
      "value": 0
      "type": "int",
      "value": 0
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": null
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "int",
          "value": 0
          "type": "string",
          "value": "weapon_Ranger_ML_go_Medium"
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.4000000059604645
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.6674200296401978
          "type": "float",
          "value": 1
          "type": "float",
          "value": 100



      "type": "int",
      "name": "Modifier",
      "value": 10 //→5(GD)
      "type": "float",
      "value": 0.20000000298023224 //→0.10000000149011612(GD)



  "type": "string",
  "name": "WeaponIcon",
  "value": "app:/weapon/icon/none"
  "type": "ptr",
  "name": "custom_parameter",
  "value": [
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "ptr",
          "value": [
              "type": "int",
              "value": 15 //歩行速度
              "type": "float",
              "value": 6.0 //6.0倍
          "type": "ptr",
          "value": [
              "type": "int",
              "value": 14 //爆発物ダウン
              "type": "float",
              "value": 1 //爆発物でダウンしない
          "type": "ptr",
          "value": [
              "type": "int",
              "value": 1 //アイテム回収範囲
              "type": "int",
              "value": 2000 //回収範囲2000倍


  "type": "ptr",
  "name": "Ammo_CustomParameter",
  "value": [
      "type": "int",
      "value": 1
      "type": "int",
      "value": 1
      "type": "int",
      "value": 200
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0
          "type": "float",
          "value": -0.05000000074505806
      "type": "float",
      "value": 1
      "type": "float",
      "value": 0.30000001192092896
      "type": "float",
      "value": 2
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "int",
          "value": 45 //ミサイルが点火するまでの時間。MLRA-TWは10
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.9900000095367432
      "type": "int",
      "value": 60
      "type": "int",
      "value": 0
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.25
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.25
      "type": "ptr",
      "value": [
          "type": "int",
          "value": 0
          "type": "string",
          "value": "weapon_Ranger_ML_go_Medium"
          "type": "float",
          "value": 0.6309999823570251
          "type": "float",
          "value": 1.189210057258606
          "type": "float",
          "value": 1
          "type": "float",
          "value": 50

ニクス セイバーの武装呼び出し

      "type": "ptr",
      "name": "Summon_CustomParameter",
      "value": [
          "type": "string",
          "value": "app:/Object/v508_transport.sgo"
          "type": "string",
          "value": "app:/object/v509_transportbox.sgo"
          "type": "string",
          "value": "app:/Object/v504_begaruta_white.sgo"
          "type": "ptr",
          "value": [
              "type": "ptr",
              "value": [
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 65 //耐久倍率
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 25 //攻撃力倍率
            {//ここから 下半身関係のステータス
              "type": "ptr",
              "value": [
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 8 //歩行最大速度
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 0.009999999776482582 //歩行加速度
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 10//65(アサルト)
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 0.009999999776482582//0.10000000149011612(アサルト)
              "type": "ptr",
              "value": [
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 10//40(アサルト)
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 1//3(アサルト)
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 25//60(アサルト)
                  "type": "int",
                  "value": 760//240(アサルト)
                  "type": "float",
                  "value": 0.3400000035762787//0.5400000214576721(アサルト)
                  "type": "int",
                  "value": 40//80(アサルト)
            {//ここから 上半身関係のステータス
              "type": "ptr",
              "value": [
                  "type": "ptr",
                  "value": [
                      "type": "float",
                      "value": 120//90(アサルト)
                      "type": "float",
                      "value": 0.019999999552965164//0.10000000149011612(アサルト)
                      "type": "float",
                      "value": 0.019999999552965164//0.10000000149011612(アサルト)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️