SGO Format (ENG) - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

The SGO Format

The SGO format is a type of config file used by the game, it can be used for objects, weapons, lists and configuration files. The format is known, and can be edited, See Tools for details.



Note: 2017 has a slightly different header, this should be added at some point.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 File Type, SGO or OGS depending on endian
0x4 0x4 SGO Version?
0x8 0x4 Number of variables
0xc 0x4 Offset to variables start
0x10 0x4 Number of variable names
0x14 0x4 Offset to variable name table

Todo: Fill in the rest.

Variable Name Table

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Offset to string
0x4 0x4 Name Index


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Variable Type ( 0:Struct, 1:Int, 2:Float, 3: String, 4:Embedded File )
0x4 0x4 Size of data
0x8 0x4 Data, or offset to data

Enemy Weapon Parameters

List of Enemy Weapon Parameters

See also

SGO Node Documentation