Released Mods - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

Link to EDF5 nexusmods page

Link to EDF4.1 nexusmods page


EDF 4.1 Rebalance Mod: A rebalance of 4.1 that tweaks weapon performance, and adds some extra weapons. This is the first mod created using SGOTT.
AUK233's EDF 4.1 "Limit Break" and "5.6" Mods: More descriptions can be found on the page. A total conversion mod for 4.1 and 5.
stafern's port of EDF2017 to 4.1: A remake of EDF 2017 build on 4.1's engine

Zonbi's EDF 5 Comprehensive Game Balance Fix: A game balance adjustment mod for EDF 5.

spaceme0wth's English translation update for "Zonbi's EDF 5 Mod v10": The final version (v10) of Zonbi's EDF 5 Mod had many missing english weapon descriptions and this mod adds machine-translation for the ones he missed. v10 of Zonbi's mod can be found on the discord here, all other links seem to be outdated. To install, just copy the file over the one which came with the mod.

Endless Mode: Endless Mode is a new campaign for Earth Defense Force 5, featuring 95 missions for solo and cooperative play. With more to come! Survive the onslaught of enemies and complete a variety of mission objectives to escalate the battle ever further. Fight alongside the EDF and command the giant insects, colonist and cosmonaut allies!

Weapons Mods

Genocide Gun, Armageddon Cluster, Rule of God Port for EDF5 Replace Goliath ZD, Plasmafall F20, Spritefall Destroy

EDF 5 Air Raider Timer Reload for EDF 4.1 Now Satelite blaster, Lionic & Coastal Missile , Whale Gunship use timer reload just like EDF 5

Enhanced Cosmonauts Weapons Deadlier Cosmonauts Weapons

Simplified Ranger Weapons Require New Save File. Extract to your Game Directory


Vanguard Strike
A PVP oriented mod designed for multiplayer use, replaces the main game's campaign.

Modloader Plugins

BroGamer's Subtitles for EDF5
Provides in-game subtitles for EDF5's many dialogues. Has configurable font size and moveable box!

Tong Tong's Damage Numbers for EDF5
Displays player damage numbers like in EDF6. Can display in fixed position or in world.


Emulator stuff

Neoprimal's EDF2P Playable Monster Codes

Luke S.'s EDF2P PS2 and English Texture Pack
(Spanish Version)
"Hi, I made a texture pack for EDF 2 Portable (PSP) to use PS2 textures and some AI upscale, it's not perfect, but does the job, also translated the critical menus to english and spanish, unfortunately this is the only release I'll make as I can't devote more time to it."

Discord links to other mods

(These now link to the message itself because Discord disallows external file downloads now)

Melodica's DLC Music Changes for EDF5
"Made a small mod that swaps out the music in the DLC missions to use the unused EDF 4.1 and 2017 music that's in the game files. Also changes the menu music on the DLC mission menus to tracks from 4.1. Requires Blue's modloader." "Won't change the missions in multiplayer, that'll still use the unedited missions so that it doesn't hang up on the loading screen forever (unless the x at the start of the xDLC1_MISSIONLIST.ONLINE.LIST and xDLC2_MISSIONLIST.ONLINE.LIST files in the Mission folder are removed, but in that case every player in the lobby will need the mod for it to work)."

Kemui52's Heal as All Classes for 4.1
Allows all classes to heal AI squadmates in 4.1. Updated to be compatible with the mod loader.

Kemui52's Comic Sans Font in 4.1
Replaces the primary font of 4.1 to be Comic Sans bold. Uses the mod loader, place the Mods and ComicSansFont folders alongside the EXE. Does not render Japanese or full-width alphanumeric glyphs.

Kemui52's Playable Monsters Mini-Pack for EDF5
A redo of Kittopia's playable monsters mod so that it only uses the default four class slots and is compatible with the mod loader.

Cheap model edits by Kemui52

5's Ranger NPC Leader over 5's Ranger
5's Ranger NPC over 5's Ranger
5's Sarge over 5's Ranger
5's Air Raider over 5's Ranger
4.1's Ranger over 5's Ranger
4.1's Ranger NPC Leader over 5's Ranger

4.1's Ranger NPC Leader over 4.1's Ranger