MDB Format - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

All offsets are relative to the beginning of their table entries.
Since the header is always at the beginning of the file, the offsets there are also absolute file offsets.

File format largely derived from EDF5, and EDF6. EDF4.1 might have unknown differences.

Header: 48 (0x30) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Always 'MDB0'
0x04 4 version 0x14 for EDF5, 0x20 for EDF6
0x08 4 Name table count
0x0C 4 Name table offset (Always 0x30)
0x10 4 Bone count
0x14 4 Bone offset
0x18 4 Object count
0x1C 4 Object offset
0x20 4 Material count
0x24 4 Material offset
0x28 4 Texture count
0x2C 4 Texture offset

Name table:

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 String offset (Offset, UTF-16)

Bone table: 192 (0xC0) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Bone index
0x04 4 Bone parent (-1 for no parent)
0x08 4 Bone Next Sibling (-1 for none)
0x0C 4 Bone First Child (-1 for none)
0x10 4 Bone name (Name table index)
0x14 4 Child Bone Count
0x18 1 Unknown Byte, possibly control groups (0=None, 1=??? 2=EmptyBones 3=SkinnedBones)?
0x19 1 Unknown Byte, Values below 10, and 250-255 (2=Camera aim?, 4=Aim point?)?
0x1A 1 Has Bounding Box (value == 1). True when 0xA0 and 0xB0 contain bounding box data.
0x1B 5 Always zero (Alignment padding to 8 bytes)
0x20 64 (0x40) Local transformation matrix 4x4. Position, Rotation, and Scale for bones in parent context
0x60 64 (0x40) Inverse Bind Pose Matrix. Used for GPU calculations regarding this bone
Note: Matrices are Y-UP for default world orientation
0xA0 16 (0x10) float4, Mesh Bounding Box Size (W is always 1)
0xB0 16 (0x10) float4, Mesh Bounding Box Offset (W is always 1)
Note: Box is "child" of this bone. It inherits rotation/position! Bounds are determined by weight painted meshes vertices on normal models. However on UI elements there are objects with bounding box, but no weight paint. Current assumption is that if there is a Mesh with the same name as the Bone, it will create a bounding box for that entire mesh.

Texture table: 16 (0x10) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Texture index
0x4 4 Texture name (Offset, UTF-16)
0x8 4 Texture filename (Offset, UTF-16)
0xC 4 Always zero

Material table: 32 (0x20) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 2 Index
0x02 1 Render Priority (Usually 0, often higher on transparent objects)
0x03 1 Render Layer (Normally 0, 1 on Loading screen and tank_catapi, 2 on transparent materials and UI)
0x04 4 Material name (Name table index)
0x08 4 Shader (Offset, UTF-16)
0x0C 4 Material Parameters offset
0x10 4 Material Parameters count
0x14 4 Material Textures offset
0x18 4 Material Textures count
0x1C 4 Render Type? (Normally 3, 2 was seen for UI elements and Barrier objects, 2 implies updating texture cont?)

Material Parameters: 32 (0x20) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Value 1
0x04 4 Value 2
0x08 4 Value 3
0x0C 4 Value 4
0x10 4 Value 5 (Unused)
0x14 4 Value 6 (Unused)
Note: Some values above are sometimes defined (non 0), but unused due to Type.
0x18 4 String (Offset, ASCII)
0x1C 1 Type (0=Float, 1=Vector2, 2=RGB, 3=RGBA)
0x1D 1 Size (Amount of Values used)
0x1E 2 Padding 0's

Material Textures: 28 (0x1C) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Texture (Texture index)
0x04 4 Type (Offset, ASCII)
0x08 4 Unknown (Always 0, 4 on only Regular Hornet)
0x0C 4 Always zero (Unused)
0x10 4 Always zero (Unused)
0x14 4 Always zero (Unused)
0x18 4 Unknown (Always 0.0 or -1.0 on only Regular Hornet)

Object table: 16 (0x10) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Object index
0x04 4 Name (Name table index)
0x08 4 Mesh count
0x0C 4 Mesh info (Offset)

Mesh info: 40 (0x28) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 1 Unknown bool (value != 0, always zero)
0x01 1 Boolean, is skinned mesh (value == 1)
0x02 1 Number of bones per vertex, from 0 to 4
0x03 1 Always zero (Unused, alignment)
0x04 4 Material Index (-1 for None?)
0x08 4 Always zero
0x0C 4 Vertex layout info (Offset)
0x10 2 Total Layout Size (bytes for 1 vertex's data block)
0x12 2 Layout count
0x14 4 Number of vertices
0x18 4 Mesh index
0x1C 4 Vertex data (Offset)
0x20 4 Number of indices
0x24 4 Indice data (Offset)

Vertex layout info: 16 (0x10) bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Type
0x04 4 Offset in vertex data
0x08 4 Channel (Indicates texcoord0 vs texcoord1)
0x0C 4 Name (Offset, ASCII)

Vertex types:

Type Description
1 float4 (16 bytes)
4 float3 (12 bytes)
7 half4 (8 bytes)
12 float2 (8 bytes)
21 ubyte4 (4 bytes)

Indice data: 2 bytes

Offset Size Description
0x00 2 Vertex index, it is an unsigned value

Vertex data: Variable length

Offset Size Description
0x00 Mesh - Total Layout Size Format and size of data depends on layout info
- - Data is stored per vertex, data format and order is in order of Layout Info.

Strings: Variable length

Offset Size Description
0x00 ? Variable length ASCII strings followed by UTF-16 strings