Enemy Weapons Parameters - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

List of Enemy Weapon Parameters

Deiroi & Similar Weapon Structure


The first bullet_object Parameters

Type Description Behaviour
string AmmoClass Type of ammo this weapon will fire
struct Custom Parameters Unknown
struct Unknown Unknown

Unknown Custom Parameters

Type Description Behaviour
int Unknown Unknown
struct Base Stats of the Projectile Basestats Projectile
struct AmmoClass Custom Parameters Change AmmoClass Parameteres

Base Stat Projectile

Type Description Behaviour
int Unknown Unknown
float AmmoSpeed How Fast is the Ammunition travel @ meters/frame
int AmmoAlive Multiplier (?) Seems double the duration of AmmoAlive below
int AmmoAlive How long the bullet should exist for, in frames.
int Unknown Unknown
float AmmoSize Size of fired projectile
int Unknown Unknown
float AmmoHitSize Ammo Hit Size
int Unknown Unknown
float AmmoHitImpulseAdjust Hit "force", how much it can knock physical objects away
int Unknown Unknown
float AmmoKnockBackPlayer (?) How hard the ammo will knockback the players
int Unknown Unknown
float AmmoExplosion Explosive radius of bullet
int Unknown Unknown
Struct AmmoColor Colour of the bullet
int Unknown Unknown
string Weapon Name (?) Unknown

deiroi_battery_config Parameters

Control AmmoCount,Damage,etc of the AmmoClass above

Type Description Behaviour
string Unknown WeaponPartName(?)
struct AmmoClass Custom Parameters 1 -
string Unknown Unknown
int Firing Delay (?) Weapon Charge Delay (?)
int Unknown Unknown

AmmoClass Custom Parameters 1

Type Description Behaviour
string Unknown Unknown
int AmmoCount How many bullet will be fired
float Unknown Unknown
float AmmoDamage Ammo Damage
string Sound Weapon Sound?
int Unknown Unknown
int FireInterval Fire rate. Amount of frames it takes to fire again
int FireCount? Amount of bullet fired per frame?
float Fire Accuracy Accuracy of the weapon

Known Integer Parameters Code for This Weapon Structure

Int Parameters ValueType
0 AmmoSpeed float
1 AmmoAlive int
2 AmmoExplosion float
8 AmmoSize float
9 AmmoHitSize float
10 AmmoHitImpulseAdjust float
11 AmmoKnockBackPlayer(?) float
12 AmmoColor struct
14 SoundEffect(?) ?

Cosmonauts & Colonist Weapon & and some similar code structure

Cosmonaut Assault Rifle . Filename : OBJECT\E506_ASSAULT.sgo

The bullet_setting Parameters

Type Description Behaviour
string AmmoClass Type of Ammo Class
float AmmoDamage Damage of the weapon
struct int Damage multiplier to player ??
float Speed effect on player Higher value make knockback stronger
int Explosion Radius Radius of explosion
struct Unknown (?)
float AmmoSize Size of the Bullet
float AmmoSpeed Speed of Fired Bullet
float Unknown Unknown
struct Effect Size or Ammosize multiplier ?? Unknown
float AmmoHitSize Unknown
struct Unknown (?)
int AmmoGravity Gravity of the bullet
struct Unknown (?)
struct Ammo color Int0 is red, Int1 is green, Int2 is blue
struct Unknown (?)
float Weapon Attack Range (?)
struct Unknown (?)
struct AmmoCustomParameter Ammo Custom Parameter Behaviour
struct Fire SE ? (?)
struct Damage SE ? (?)

fire_setting Parameters

We gonna ignore the struct value. Since we only use int value.

Parameters ValueType
FireCount Ammount of bullet/fire
AmmoCount Number of Ammo in the magazine
Rate of Fire Rate of fire/sec
Float Weapon Accuracy
Attack Delay Delay between Attack