EDF3(EDF2017) xPath Format - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

This is the format for EDF2017 Coordinates data.
Considered to have a role similar to that of the RMPA Format.
Each offset starts at the beginning of the table.

Header table

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 "XPTH" header
0x04 4 Group table Count
0x08 4 Group table Offset
0x0C 4 Shape data Count
0x10 4 Shape data Offset

Group table

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Offset to Group Name
0x04 4 Data Count
0x08 4 Data Offset

Group data

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Offset to Data Name
0x04 4 Coordinate x
0x08 4 Coordinate y
0x0C 4 Coordinate z
0x10 4 When Data type is 0, this offset has no meaning?
When Data type is 1 or 2, it indicates the offset to the start of the next data.
Note that one offset is read if data type is 1, and two offsets are read if data type is 2.
0x14 4 Data Type?(Or number of waypoints)
0:Used for enemy (no orientation specified).
1:Used for player and vehicle (orientation is specified) and a point with only one waypoint (i.e., a start point and an end point).
2:Used for a point with two waypoints (i.e., the previous waypoint and the next waypoint).

Enemy has only one xyz coordinate and cannot specify orientation,
while Player and vehicle can specify orientation by setting two xyz coordinates.

Shape data

Mainly, it is used as follows:
"When you enter a certain area, allied reinforcements will appear" or "When you enter a certain area, your allies will start moving".

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Offset to Shape Name
0x04 4 Offset to Shape type Name ?
0x08 4 Unknown(always 0 ?)
0x0C 4 shape center coordinate x
0x10 4 shape center coordinate y
0x14 4 shape center coordinate z
0x18 4 shape length x
0x1C 4 shape length y
0x20 4 shape length z
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