CMPL Compression - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

mp-s note:

0x00 : 4bytes "CMPL" header
0x04 : 4bytes original file size(Big Endian)
0x08 : compressed contents

BlueAmulet's notes:

8bit value, used as a bit buffer
Counter, tracks how many bits are available in the buffer
4096 bytes, cyclic buffer to fill and copy from
12bit value, tracks current buffer position

Mark the bit buffer counter as empty
Initialize copy buffer to zero
  The game's implementation only initializes the first 4078 bytes
  Thus making the remaining 18 bytes unsafe to copy from until written to
Set current buffer position to 4078 (0xFEE)

If bit buffer is empty:
  Read byte from input and store in bit buffer
  Mark bit buffer counter as full (has 8 bits available)
If first bit in bit buffer is 1: (Copy byte from input)
  Read byte from input
  Write byte to output
  Also write byte to current buffer position
  Increment current buffer position
Else: (Copy bytes from buffer)
  Read 16bit Big Endian value from input
  First 4 bits + 3 is copy length
  Upper 12bits is copy position
  For 1 to (copy length):
    Read byte from buffer at copy position
    Write byte to output
    Also write byte to current buffer position
    Increment current buffer position
    Increment copy position
Decrease bit buffer counter
Shift bit buffer to the right 1 bit, discarding first bit

If at any point all input bytes are consumed or output is full, the loop will be exited