CAS Format - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki


File type is unknown. Please place any further research on CAS here. Educated guess suggests this might be animation sequencer data (flow from animation A to B)

CANM file is appended after all CAS data, with exception to the strings from the CAS data, they some after the strings from the CANM file.

header is 43415300, length is 0x30

  • 0x04 - : version, 4.1 is 00020000, 5 is 03020000.
  • 0x08 - : Int32, start offset of CANM data.
  • 0x0C - : Int32, TControl amount
  • 0x10 - : Int32, start offset of TControl block.
  • 0x14 - : Int32, VControl amount
  • 0x18 - : Int32, start offset of VControl block.
  • 0x1C - : Int32, AnmGroup amount
  • 0x20 - : Int32, start offset of AnmGroup block.
  • 0x24 - : Int32, Bone amount
  • 0x28 - : Int32, start offset of Bone block.
  • 0x2C - : Int32, start offset of UnnamedC block. note: structure is CasDataGroup.

TControl, length is 0x0C

  • 0x00 - : Int32, start offset of string.
  • 0x04 - : Int32, Number amount.
  • 0x08 - : Int32, start offset of Number. Number is Int32. Index of animation name in CANM.

VControl, length is 0x14

  • 0x00 - : Int32, start offset of string.
  • 0x04 - : Int32
  • 0x08 - : Int32
  • 0x0C - : Float
  • 0x10 - : Int32

AnmGroup, length is 0x0C

  • 0x00 - : Int32, start offset of string.
  • 0x04 - : Int32, MCAnm amount.
  • 0x08 - : Int32, start offset of MCAnm.

MCAnm, length is 0x24

  • 0x00 - : Int32, start offset of string.
  • 0x04 - : Int32, start offset of AnmData1.
  • 0x08 - : Int32, AnmData2 amount.
  • 0x0C - : Int32, start offset of AnmData2.
  • 0x10 - : Int32, start offset of OF1. note: structure is CasDataGroup.
  • 0x14 - : Int32, start offset of OF2. note: structure is CasDataGroup.
  • 0x18 - : Int32, start offset of OF3. note: structure is CasDataGroup.
  • 0x1C - : Int32, determines the type of the next value.
  • 0x20 - : 0x1C = 0, it is Float. 0x1C = 2, it is Int32, Like a TControl index. 0x1C = 1, it is Int32?

AnmData1, length is 0x20. the default TControl animation.

  • 0x00 - : Int32, should be -1.
  • 0x04 - : Float, it seems to be action time.
  • 0x08 - : Int32, start offset of CasDataGroup.
  • 0x0C - : Int32, determines the type of the next value.
  • 0x10 - : 0xC = 2, it is Int32, Like a TControl index. 0xC = 0, it is Int32. 0xC = 1, it is Float.
  • 0x14 - : Int32
  • 0x18 - : Int32
  • 0x1C - : Int32

AnmData2, length is 0x20. the TControl activated by which MCAnm is activated.

  • 0x00 - : Int32, MCAnm index in AnmGroup.
  • 0x04 - : Float, it seems to be action time.
  • 0x08 - : Int32, start offset of CasDataGroup.
  • 0x0C - : Int32, determines the type of the next value.
  • 0x10 - : 0xC = 2, it is Int32, Like a TControl index. 0xC = 0, it is Int32. 0xC = 1, it is Float.
  • 0x14 - : Int32
  • 0x18 - : Int32
  • 0x1C - : Int32

CasDataGroup, length is 0x08

  • 0x00 - : Int32, CasDataCommon amount.
  • 0x04 - : Int32, start offset of CasDataCommon.

CasDataCommon, length is 0x24

  • 0x00 - : Int32 eight 4-bytes data, mixed Int32 and Float.

Note: 5's CasDataCommon has more four 4-bytes data.

Bone, length is 0x04

  • 0x00 - : Int32, start offset of string.


ファイルの種類は不明です。 CASに関する詳細な調査はこちらに掲載してください。

