AmmoClass List (ENG) - KCreator/Earth-Defence-Force-Documentation GitHub Wiki

Ammo Class

AmmoClass defines what projectile a weapon emits. This is a list of valid Bullet types

Name Notes See Also
AcidBullet01 Acid projectile
BarrierBullet01 Electromagnetic Bunkers
BeamBullet01 Energy pulse, used by ixion weapons in EDF 4
BombBullet01 Used in C20, Impulse, and Robot Bombs Custom Parameters
BombBullet02 Used in Limpet guns, shares parameters with BombBullet01 Custom Parameters
ClusterBullet01 Highly customizable bullet that emits other bullets. Used by wing diver special weapons Custom Parameters
DecoyBullet01 Decoy
FlameBullet01 Flame bullet, used by flamethrowers
FlameBullet02 Fireball bullet
GrenadeBullet01 Grenade, multiple options in ammo_customparameter GrenadeBullet01
HomingLaserBullet01 Homing beam projectile, used by Mirage weapons Custom Parameters
LaserBullet01 Laser bullet, many customisation options Ammo_CustomParameter Documentation
LaserBullet02 Multiple modes, including pulse laser and genocide gun beam Ammo_CustomParameter Documentation
LaserBullet03 Reflecting laser
LaserSpearBullet01 EDF 5 only, doesnt seem to work
LightningBullet01 Electrical projectile, behavour configurable in ammo_customparameter Ammo_CustomParameter Documentation
MissileBullet01 Homing rocket
MissileBullet02 Homing rocket, emits subprojectiles. Used by Ifrit, Blood Storm and Neagling XEM
NapalmBullet01 Emits subprojectiles over time on impact
NeedleBullet01 Used by GiantBee enemies, large needle projectile
PileBunkerBullet01 Used by CC Piercers
PlasmaBullet01 Plasma, explodes on impact
PulseBullet01 EDF 5 only, energy projectile that explodes on impact
SentryGunBullet01 Used by ZE-guns
ShockWaveBullet01Exp Can be called by hammers, and only really works with hammers
SmokeCandleBullet01 Used in Artillery and vehicle summons
SolidBullet01 Simple bullet type, can be set to bounce Ammo_CustomParameter Documentation
SolidExpBullet01 Minion Buster style bullet
SpiderStringBullet01 Retarius/Aranea web, similar to 02, but applies a pulling force towards the shooter
SpiderStringBullet02 Spider web, does damage per impact over its entire lifetime, thread sticks to objects
SupportUnitBullet01 Used by Guard Posts, Life Vendors, Assist Guns, etc. Plasma Chargers are still possible in 5 Settings
TargetMarkerBullet01 Used by guide beacons.