Manually Modifying a Plugin - KCL-BMEIS/xnat_form_maker GitHub Wiki

Outside the capabilities of the xnat-form-maker, you can make changes directly to the plugin build files generated by the xnat-form-maker. Individual plugin build directories are created under the ./plugins directory. Once you have made changes, you can rebuild the plugin by running from within the plugin directory.

XNAT uses Apache Velocity HTML templating to generate the screens. To customise the generated plugin, you can edit the screens:

./plugins/[PLUGIN NAME]/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/templates/screens/

Macros are contained in the file:

./plugins/[PLUGIN NAME]/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/templates/macros/[PLUGIN NAME]Macros.vm

And javascript is contained in:

./plugins/[PLUGIN NAME]/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/scripts/

When you have made changes you must rebuild the plugin:

cd ./plugins/[PLUGIN NAME] && ./gradlew clean jar

The new plugin will appear under:

./plugins/[PLUGIN NAME/build/libs/

For more information: