Test Pseudonymising data 1 - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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User test: Pseudonymising data 1


  • Successfully imported subject DECT_Phantom_Test [from previous task](Test%20Importing Data into DASHER).


This test will pseudonymise previously imported data.

  • For the session zzzDECTPhantom of the subject DECT_Phantom_Test perform a manual pseudonymisation into the project RTTQA for the trial called testtrial1. Follow the instructions provided here.
  • To initiate the pseudonymisation select the subject ID to be [hospital_code]_subPseudon_01 and the session ID to be [hospital_code]_sesPseudon_01 (replace [hospital_code] with your hospital code. Reason: since we expect to receive the same test data on the remote XNAT server we need to make sure that the IDs of that same dataset are different from each site. In a real-world application scenario this would usually not be required since the data will be different).
  • Take a look at the pseudonymisation session report as described here.
  • Login to the pseudonymised XNAT and [navigate to the pseudonymised session as described here](Guide%20Logging in%20to%20the%20Servers).
    • Note that any special characters, in this example the underscore, were removed from the session and subject IDs.
  • Inspect the DICOM header with DASHER as described here.


The Pseudonymisation form


The pesudonymised session report


The pseudonymised session


Next: Exporting Pseudonymised Data locally

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