Test Import Duplicate - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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User Test: Import duplicate data

This test will demonstrate DASHER's behaviour if you attempt to import a duplicate of an existing dataset.


  • In the hospital project of the non-anonymised XNAT the subject DECT_Phantom_Test with the session zzzDECTPhantom must be present. This dataset was part of the import during the first import user test.


  • Import the dataset available in the folder [user_test_data_dir]/importViaObservedFolder/CT_struct_plan_dose either via the observed import folder or via a DICOM push into DASHER.
  • Monitor the import progress in the prearchive and see how a conflict is raised.
  • Since a dataset in the non-anonymised XNAT can be pseudonymised several times, there is no need to keep multiple copies of the same data in the non-anonymised XNAT. Resolve the conflict as described here to delete the duplicate dataset from the prearchive.


Conflict raised in the prearchive


Next User Test: Importing an RTStruct file without a linked scan

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