Test Export Pseudonymised Data Locally - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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User Test: Export Pseudonymised Data locally


  • Successfully pseudonymised session of DECTPhantom_Test as done in the previous test


This test lets you export and inspect the DICOM data that was pseudonymised in the previous test.

  • Log into the pseudonymised XNAT and [navigate to the session](Guide%20Overview of DASHER#navigating-within-xnat) that was generated by the previous test. It has the subject ID [hospital_code]subPseudon01 and session ID [hospital_code]sesPseudon01
  • From the pseudonymised XNAT export the pseudonymised session as a zip file as described here.
  • Extract the zip file and with a tool of your choice confirm that the DICOM header of the exported data has the specified session ID in the field for Patient ID and the subject ID in the field for the Patient's Name.
  • Load the data into your TPS and make sure that all data is linked correctly.


The modified DICOM header entries image

Next: Uploading data to a remote server

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