Test Creating a New User - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki
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User Test - Creating a New User
- When DASHER is installed it creates an administrator user and a standard user from the usernames and passwords specified in the xnat.cfg. Create a new standard user (on both the non-anonymised and pseudonymised XNAT) that is prevented from synchronising data with the remote server by following these instructions:
- Once the new user is created log out as the administrator user and check you can log in to the non-anonymised server using both the standard user account created during installation and the standard user account created above. Check you can also login to the pseudonymised server with both user accounts.
- In the pseudonymised server you should see for the RTTQA project that the user created during installation has the option on the right-hand side to initiate a project synchronisation with the remote server.
- This should not be the case for the newly created standard user, who should see no such option on the right-hand side.