Install Troubleshooting - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki
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- The firewall prevents DASHER building successfully
- The Uploader builds but is not accessible on the browser
- Containers do not start on Windows
- Containers do not start - "Error initializing swarm: could not choose an IP address"
- Container cannot connect to outside world
- Logging in Issues with the pseudonymised XNAT server
The build script needs to download data from dockerhub and ubuntu websites. If your firewall blocks this, an error will appear in the build process. If you are unable to bypass the firewall, it is possible to build DASHER on a computer with access to the internet and then move DASHER to the computer behind the firewall.
On the computer with unrestricted access, follow the instructions on the wiki, installing docker etc. In the xnat.cfg file, make sure that xnat_host= is set to the ip address of the computer you intend to use, not the computer you are building DASHER on! Run build.bat (windows) or (linux). When the build script is complete, On Windows run:
save_and_restore.bat save
or on linux: save
A directory ./backup will be created. On the computer behind the firewall, install the dependencies (Docker) and get DASHER code. Do not run the build script. Instead copy the backup directory from the old computer to DASHER directory of the new computer. Run:
save_and_restore.bat restore
or on linux
save_and_restore.bat restore
The Uploader should start.
Do not use xnat_host=http://localhost. It may work but often not accesible via localhost. Sometimes will work.
Check to see if other software is running on the host that may conflict with DASHER, for example httpd or nginx. A server may already be running and preventing DASHER using the url and ports.
It is likelt to be a problem reading windows paths. To solve:
- Open cmd terminal
- Run the command "set COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1"
- Restart Docker
- Go to Settings > Shared Drives > Reset credentials and then select drive and then apply
- From the command line, kill the containers (docker container rm -f )
- Run .\Windows\restart_and_clean.bat.
The will have to be edited to allow docker to choose the IP address of the host. Replace the following line:
docker swarm init
docker swarm init --advertise-addr [IP address]
- Usually this is a DNS error due to corporate networks and apt-get (or yum) fails during the build. Try changing the DNS server to fixed ( and restarting Docker. On windows this can be done in the setti ng panel, as shown below:
After reinstalling the Uplaoder you may have trouble logging into the pseudonmyised XNAT server. Under your broswer settings, select clear cookies. This should fix this issue.